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Y/n and Five blinked next to the middle display in Morty's. Five sighed as he and Y/n dropped each others hands and started walking slowly. Y/n tilted her head, stopping at the end of the stairs to try to read something that was written on the floor. Five stopped on the small platform after the first two stairs.

"Is that written in blood?" she asked, tilting her head more. "Oga for oga?" she read as a question. She shook her head, furrowing her brows as she turned her head to look at Five. "That's Swedish."

Her eyes widened suddenly. "Shit," she muttered loudly, starting up the stairs quickly.

Five sighed, following her up the stairs. "That means-"

"An eye for an eye," she said, reaching the top of the stairs. Five walked up next to her as she stopped next to a dentist chair covered with a sheet. Y/n glanced to the side, seeing a trail of blood before seeing a pool of it on the floor. "You don't think?" she asked, turning back to Five. He adverted his gaze from hers.

She sighed, grabbing the sides of the sheet before slowly pulling it back. Seeing Elliot, she winced slightly as her eyes suddenly glossed over. His mouth was open with dried blood all around it. Y/n shook her head slightly, looking away since she didn't want to see it anymore. "God dammit," she muttered, turning back to Elliot.

Five sighed as Y/n gently put the sheet over Elliot again. "Damn," he whispered.

"I never got to say goodbye to him," Y/n whispered, staring at the sheet in front of her.

"What?" Five asked, turning to her.

"I never got to say goodbye to him, Five. He was such a good person. After everything he did for me."

If she had heard herself say that kind of thing two weeks ago, she wouldn't believe it. There would be no way that she would actually care that anyone, especially someone like Elliot, was murdered. She wouldn't have even given it a second thought. But, if seeing Elliot like this affected her, then why didn't seeing her father and AJ affect her? Sure, it wasn't as brutal as Elliot looked and AJ wasn't technically dead, but still. She shot an arrow into her own father's chest. It affected her afterwards, sure.

But Elliot was her friend. He feared her at times, and she knew that. But he liked her, he genuinely liked her for who she was- for who she had evolved into. He was one of the sweetest, nicest, smartest, skittish people she had ever met. He didn't deserve this.

"Y/n, that's not your fault," Five said gently, putting his hand on her shoulder.

She shook her head and sighed, looking at the ground. "I could've- Five, I could've- done- something- anything- he-" She could feel her face go pale and her body to go cold.

Five sighed, pulling her towards him. He wrapped his arms around her, looking over her shoulder at the sheet that was placed over Elliot. Y/n froze, not knowing exactly how to react. She couldn't forget the fact that she had let the one thing that she didn't want more than anything slip back in the alleyway. And she hadn't been hugged in so long.

After a few seconds, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck. "Not a word," she mumbled, her voice muffled. Though, Five could still hear the hurt in her voice that she was trying to cover up.

"Not a word that you aren't a total badass," Five said.

She backed away from him, "Gee thanks." She sighed, looking back at Elliot before turning to walk to the kitchen. Five sighed, grabbing the briefcase before walking next to her.

Y/n slowed down as Five started looking around the room. She stopped next to the kitchen, watching Five as he hid the briefcase in between two boxes and a table. She inhaled, trying to not sniffle.

sorry i'm a shit daughter♡︎Where stories live. Discover now