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Y/n sat on a window ledge in her mother's office. Her head was leaned back against the wall as her legs were bent with her forearms resting on her knees.

Lila sat in the chair closest to Y/n in front of their mother's desk. Diego sat next to her, still passed out.

The Handler sat at her chair, waiting for Diego to wake up. Y/n glanced at her watch, seeing that the time had momentarily gotten extremely slower. If she were in nineteen sixty-three, she would probably have around twenty-five minutes before the briefcase went off.

"Diego Hargreeves," Lila said as Diego started to stir.  He grunted slightly, sitting up. He looked around his body before looking at Lila, who was still looking directly at the Handler. "Meet my mother." Diego sat up straighter, snapping his head towards the Handler. "Mother this is Diego- my boyfriend."

Diego put his hands on the desk, looking back over to Lila, "What?" He looked back to the Handler.

"You're screwed," Y/n deadpanned, looking out the window.

Diego snapped his head around to look at Y/n. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Y/n sighed, turning to Diego. "Diego, beloved Diego, this is my asshole sister and my mother that likes to try and get me killed."

"That was for your own good," the Handler snapped.

"My own good?" Y/n looked at her mother and laughed dryly. "Yeah, sending me to a damn concentration camp was for my own good. Making me kill River was for my own good." She scoffed and shook her head, looking back out the window.

"I can't believe you're still angry about that."


"Mum, when Y/n us done with her pity party-"

"Lila, you motherfucking bit-"


Y/n huffed, turning back to the window.

Her mother turned back to Lila, glaring at her. She put her hands on the edge of her desk, "Are you kidding me?"

"You said I could hire my own team."

"Yes, but I didn't mean him, for God's sake," the Handler said, glancing at Diego. "It's bad enough with your sister disappointing me with you-know-who, who is much worse, but still. I don't need you to hop on that boat too."

"At least Five doesn't try to send me places that'll either kill me or give me trauma," Y/n said, glaring at her mother.

Her mother ignored her, turning back to Lila. "If you don't see the problem in hiring you-know-who's brother-"

"Y/n's boyfriend," Lila said, interrupting the Handler. Y/n scoffed, shaking her head.

"His brother," the Handler continued. "Then you're not ready for that badge," she said sternly, pointing to Lila.

"Look, I'm sorry to interrupt," Diego said, leaning forwards. "But Y/n and I really need to get going."

"Shut up!" both Lila and the Handler said loudly.

"I can't do this job if you don't trust my instincts."

"Sweat heart," the Handler said, leaning back in her chair. "You and your sister's vaginas need glasses, Hargreeves aren't worth it."

Both Y/n and Lila groaned. "Mum! Oh my God," Lila said as Y/n started softly banging her head on the wall behind her. "This may shock you, but not everyone here likes you," Lila said.

The Handler put her hands together, "Sounds ridiculous, but go on."

"You need fresh blood loyal to us and not old regime," Lila explained before pointing to Diego. "I've seen Diego in the field. He is so much better trained than most of the assholes here."

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