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"Family meeting!" Luther shouted as everyone but Five entered the living room. There was an old T.V. on the bar counter that Luther had made Y/n help set up.

"Why's she here?" Diego asked, gesturing to Y/n as she sat boredly on one of the couches near the bar.

"Five made me take her away from him," Luther grumbled, shaking his head as he started messing with the T.V.

Y/n snickered from on of the couches near the bar, "You aren't doing it right. The tape is already in there. You just have to click the play button. It's not that hard." Luther turned around and glared at her, causing her to shrug. "What?"

Luther huffed, "Whatever. Just get off your ass and come and help us figure this out. The rest of you, come over here."


"I mean, do you really think Mom would hurt Dad?" Vanya asked from her seat on the arm rest of a chair. They were watching the same tape over and over again, as if Luther thought something would change and the words 'Grace killed Reginald' would pop up on the screen.

Luther turned to Vanya, "You haven't been home in a long time Vanya." He turned back to the T.V. "Maybe you don't know Grace anymore."

Y/n furrowed her brows. "Weren't you on the moon for like four years or something?"

Luther glared at her, "How did you know that?"

She shrugged, picking at her nails, "Five filled me in on a few things. Not much, only a few things."

Luther rolled his eyes, "What, so you and Five are best friends now?"

Y/n scoffed, shaking her head. "Far from it. As I said, he didn't tell me much. He did a quick run down. That's it. It's not like he trusts me. He even said it to both of us less than an hour ago."

"Doesn't matter," Diego suddenly interrupted. "If he was poisoned, it would have shown in the coroner's report," he said, eying Luther.

"Well, I don't need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes," Luther snapped, gesturing to the T.V.

Y/n sighed, "Here's a thought: Maybe, just maybe, you're wrong. Maybe there's a chance that Grace." She gestured to the woman on the screen. "Wasn't actually involved in killing him. Personally, I think that you're jumping to conclusions too quickly. You need evidence. For all we know, the guy killed himself."

"For all we know, you and Five were about to bang in that van," Klaus mumbled, raising his eyebrows as he started eating.

"Klaus! I swear to God-"

"What more evidence do you need?" Luther asked, gesturing to the T.V.

"No, no. I think that she's got a point," Diego said, pointing to Y/n.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed, putting her hands in the air.

"Maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your vision," Diego started, slowly taking a couple steps to the T.V. He clicked a button, rewinding the footage, "Look closer." He clicked another button, stopping the footage. "Dad has his monocle. Mom stands up," he turned around. "Monocle's gone."

Klaus chuckled, shoving food into his mouth, "Oh, yeah!"

Diego continued walking away, stopping and turning in front of a small table. "She wasn't poisoning him. She was- taking it. To clean it."

They all turned around to face Diego. "Then where is it?" Luther questioned. He turned around completely to face Diego. "No, I've searched the house, including all her things. She doesn't have it."

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