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"That's my coffee."

"Don't care," Y/n deadpanned, taking a sip from the mug that she had just stolen from Five. Walking over to one of the tables in Elliot's living room, she picked up a newspaper and started reading over it, "You don't deserve coffee right now. I deserve coffee right now."

"And why's that?" he asked, walking after her and putting his head next to her shoulder.

Turning her head to face him, she smiled fakely. "Because you're an asshole," she said bluntly, turning back to read the newspaper. Five scoffed, shaking his head as she took another drink of coffee.

They both turned around as one of the machines in the room started making a loud alarm noise. Y/n furrowed her brows at the blinking red light. Elliot snapped his head up to the alarm and dropped his spoon in his bowl full of oatmeal, "Hey, we got one." He put his paper and pencil down, sliding his chair over to the other end of the wall, "Hey, one of those machines you asked for is going crazy."

Y/n and Five glanced at each other before Y/n dropped the newspaper on the table and they walked over to Elliot. "Which one?" Five asked as they stopped behind Elliot.

"It's the, uh, atmospheric radar," Elliot replied. Y/n took another sip of her coffee, looking at the green radar screen in front of them.

"Good," Five breathed.

"I don't get it. What are you tracking?" Elliot turned around to his left side to look at Five, "A hurricane? A storm front?"

"Sound waves," Five said, smirking slightly.

"Sound waves," Elliot repeated.

Five took a step back, grabbing Y/n's wrist before blinking them out of Elliot's apartment.


"Oh, wow, thanks for letting me put the damn mug down before we left," Y/n muttered, downing the rest of the coffee.

"That's what you get for stealing it," Five said, eyeing her as he dropped her wrist. She rolled her eyes as he watched her, which creeped her out a little. Shaking his head, he cleared his throat and started walking through the cornfield that they had appeared in.

Five huffed, grabbing the mug from Y/n. "What are you-" she cut herself off as Five threw the mug into the cornfield. "Hey, what gives? I could've carried it around," she said, following after him as he started walking again.

He ignored her and continued to move the cornstalks around so he could get through. Y/n rolled her eyes and walked after him. Putting his arms out and bending them, he sped up. Almost tripping, he got into a small open area. Y/n stifled a laugh as he scoffed quietly and fixed his blazer. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up," he muttered.

Y/n chuckled, stopping next to him, "Don't be a dumbass then."

Five shook his head, looking around. When he saw something, he nodded and started forwards. Y/n started walking next to him. Moving some cornstalks out of the way, Five looked down at Vanya. She was sitting on the ground with her brows furrowed as they both looked at her. "Hi, Vanya."

"Who are you?" Vanya asked, backing up slightly before she stood up.

"I'm your brother," Five stated.

"I have a brother?" Vanya asked, furrowing her brows again. She turned to Y/n, "Who are you?"

"Your asshole brother's acquaintance," Y/n said, smiling fakely. "It's good to see you again, Vanya."

Five sighed, "Look, you can either stay here and wait for the Ikea mafia to come back to kill you, or you can come with us." He turned around, grabbing Y/n's wrist so she would follow him. She rolled her eyes but walked with him nonetheless.

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