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Y/n opened the doors, stumbling into the entry room of the Umbrella Academy. "Y/n?" Allison asked, turning to Y/n as she stumbled into the room. "Y/n? Are you okay?"

"Do you have a curling iron with you?" Y/n asked, coughing.

"Is that blood?"

"Yes. I need a curling iron. Now."

"Uh, okay, okay," Allison said, walking into the living room, gesturing for Y/n to follow her.

"Where's Five?" Y/n asked as they walked towards another door in the living room.

"Last I checked he was with Klaus. He might be in his room right now," Allison said, leading Y/n to her room. "He's been pacing for the past half an hour. He almost ripped out all his hair. He was talking about how you just left and he had no idea where you were," she explained, opening her door and leading Y/n into her room. Y/n closed the door behind her and locked it. Allison turned to her, raising her eyebrows, "Lock?"

"He can't know what happened to me," Y/n stated, her face getting paler. "Curling iron. Now. I can't loose anymore blood."

Allison nodded frantically, searching through her drawers until she found her curling iron. She set down the mat and plugged it in before setting it on the mat.

"Continue on," Y/n said, putting more pressure on her stomach. "Actually, do you have a bathroom in here? With like wash cloths or something? I need to clean this."

Allison nodded, walking over to a door next to her vanity. She twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open, flipping on a light switch.

Y/n limped into the bathroom, searching the medicine cabinet as Allison handed her a wash cloth. "Thank you," Y/n said, wetting the cloth.

Allison cleared her throat as Y/n unbuttoned her shirt and took her quiver off.

"He's been doing something in his room for the past twenty minutes. He was freaking out. And when he freaks out, he does math," Allison explained. Y/n nodded, squeezing the water out of the wash cloth before dabbing it around her wound. She winced as she started wiping the blood off. She sighed, drying the area around her wound.

"What happened to you?" Allison asked as Y/n walked over to the curling iron and picked it up.

"I got stabbed," Y/n deadpanned, putting the iron to her wound. She bit her tongue and groaned quietly as her skin started burning together."

"Ah-" Allison started, putting her hand out. Letting her hand drop she walked over to Y/n. "There are much-" she paused as Y/n grunted at the pain. "Easier ways to do that."

Y/n coughed, and shrugged as she put the curling iron down on the mat. She huffed, limping back into the bathroom. "Where's the first-aid kit?"

"Top shelf of the medicine cabinet."

Y/n nodded, opening the cabinet. She grabbed a box and pulled it down, opening it and rifling through it. Finding what she wanted, she grabbed the big band-aid out of the box and set it down on the sink. Closing the box, she put it back and closet the cabinet.

"Glad to see you have this big of a band-aid. Can't normally find them," she stated.

She sighed, unwrapping the band-aid before sticking it over her cut and throwing the wrappings away. She started for the door and started buttoning up her shirt.

"Thanks, Allison," she said quietly, grabbing the doorknob as she finished buttoning her shirt. "Don't tell Five about this, okay?"

"Wait, Y/n?"

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