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Five turned to Diego, looking past Y/n. "You know, I'm starting to get the feeling Dad's avoiding us."

Lila sighed from the other side of Five, "Hate to be the birding one, guys, but,uh, it's time we get the hell out of here." She turned, walking in front of the other three.

Five took a step forwards, facing Lila and causing her to stop and turn around. "When you say 'we,' who exactly are you referring to?" he asked, leaning forward.

"Not a slot of ambiguity in that sentence," Lila said, glancing at Y/n and Diego.

"Listen," Five said. "I don't know who you are or where you came from, but whatever it is, I'd advise you return posthaste."

"She's right, Five," Diego said, stepping forwards. "We gotta get out of here."

"I just saved your life, you kinder-shit," Lila spat. "If I hadn't stepped in, all that would be left of you is a blazer and some bloody socks."

"And that's the problem," Five said, tilting his head slightly. "You're too good. You ask too many questions. You know too much. And you fight like you know what you're doing."

"He's got a point," Diego said lowly.

"So I know how to handle myself, and that makes me the bad guy?" Lila asked, offended.

"No," Y/n said, walking to the other side of Five. "You know how to handle yourself because you were taught how to. People don't just appear out of thin air."

Five glanced at her, furrowing his brows. He shook his head, turning back to Lila. "Whoever you are, you're in my way," he said. "If I see you again, I will kill you," he stated, walking away.

Lila pointed behind herself at Five, "Can you believe him?"

Y/n took a step forwards, stopping next to Lila. "He's not kidding. He's bound to figure it out at some point. Whether I tell him or not, he'll be that much more pissed," she said, shaking her head before starting after Five.

Lila grabbed her shoulder and shook her head slightly. "What, you're gonna pick him over me?" she asked quietly.

Y/n moved her head to one side. "Don't do that," she whispered, a slight edge to her voice. "Don't make me choose between you and him. I'll always choose him, no matter what." Without another word, she got out of her grip, walking after Five.


"Jesus," Y/n breathed when they walked into Elliot's apartment and saw Elliot and Luther passed out in the living room.

Five sighed and shook his head, "Diego, you can get the couch, I'll take Elliot's bed or something, and Y/n can go back to her apartment." Diego nodded and sighed, turning to start walking into the living room.

"No," Y/n said, causing both of them to turn to her. "Diego, take Elliot's bed," she said, taking her dagger holder off her thigh before putting it on the table, "I can take Five back to my apartment and you can sleep on the couch."

Five nodded, grabbing Y/n's hand before blinking them into her apartment.


Y/n took off her heels quickly, tossing them off to the side. "I don't know about you," she said, walking over to a cabinet in the kitchen. "But, I-" she pointed to herself, opening up the cabinet, "need a drink." She grabbed out two wine glasses, closing the cabinet door. Leaning over to the fridge, she grabbed an closed bottle of wine. Five shook his head, taking his blazer and vest off before lying them on the counter across from the fridge.

"Wine? Really?" Five asked, crossing his arms as he leaned up against the fridge.

"It's better than that shit we had at the library back in twenty nineteen," she said, twisting the cap off the top of the bottle. "That tasted horrible," she shook her head, pouring a little bit of wine into each glass before putting the bottle back and twisting the cap back on. Raising an eyebrow, she grabbed the glasses and handed one to Five. He rolled his eyes, taking the glass from her.

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