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Y/n sat in the chair across from the door in the interrogation room at the end of the hall in a federal building in Dallas, Texas, nineteen sixty-nine.

She had her arms out on the table in front of her, her fingers intertwined. A woman stood off to the side in the corner of the room as they waited for the interrogator to get into the building.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Special Agent Willy Gibbs entered the room, closing the door behind him. Y/n smirked as he walked over to the table and set his folders down. He clicked the tape recorder next to Y/n.

"My name is Special Agent Willy Gibbs and I will be asking you a few questions."

Y/n didn't react, she sat like there was nothing going on around her.

"Please state your name."

"Y/n Sallows."

"Do you have anything that could testify to that?" he asked, clicking a pen as he grabbed a notebook from the table. He shrugged, "An ID, birth certificate, anything?"

Y/n shook her head, "Nope."

"Okay," he said, nodding as he walked over to a small desk in the corner of the room. He leaned up against it, almost sitting on top of it. "You were in New York before you got arrested and transported here to Dallas, is that correct?"

"Yes," Y/n deadpanned. "I was spending my time at the Stonewall Inn when police came in and started raiding it."

Gibbs nodded, moving his hand that held his pen. Y/n continued to look forwards at the door, not making any movement.

"And you got involved in the riot that happened quickly after the police came in with a warrant, is that correct?"

"You could say."

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, readjusting on the edge of the desk.

"Don't I have the right to a lawyer?"

"Did you, or did you not get involved in the riots? By your hair and bruises, one can infer."

Y/n tried to not roll her eyes. "One could infer." She was, quite literally, arrested after throwing the most random things at police officers and after standing on the top of a police car. Obviously her hair was messed up, especially after struggling against three restraints the police had put her in back in New York. Her hair was still short from it being shaved off, and it was messed up.

"Why was I transported here?" she asked, keeping her head straight.

"Did you get involved?"

She ignored him.

"Miss Sallows, did you or did you not get involved in the riots outside of the Stonewall Inn in New York?"

"I did," she stated bluntly before turning her head slowly to look at him.

"And I don't regret a second of it."


The high-pitched noise stopped suddenly and the bright light vanished. Everything in the federal building fell to the ground instantly.

Y/n grunted, pushing herself off the floor of the hallway as Vanya came towards them.

"Are you okay?" Vanya asked, stopping in between Y/n and the other three.

"Vanya," Allison breathed.

"Physically or emotionally?" Klaus asked, lifting his head off the ground.

Y/n coughed, using the wall as support so she could stand up.

"You're alive," Diego said, relieved as he moved so he was sitting on his knees.

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