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"Why didn't we just blink here?" Y/n asked as Diego stopped the car in front of D.S. Umbrella Co.

"It's enough for me to blink the two of us. I don't know how much energy it would waste blinking the three of us," Five said, unbuckling his seatbelt. "This is it. Let's go."

Y/n and Five opened their doors and stepped out, walking around the car. Diego grunted as he got out of the car and the three of them met up in the middle. "D.S. Umbrella. This is it," he said as they continued forwards towards the building.

Y/n and Diego kept walking towards the doors until Y/n noticed that Five had stopped. She stopped and turned, hitting Diego's arm light so he would to the same. "Hey, you okay?" Y/n asked as Five stared at a plaque on the wall.

"Yeah, fine," he shook his head, walking past them. "Just-" he stopped in front of the doors and sighed, looking into the building.

Diego pulled out one of his knives as the two stood next to Five. "How long's it been since you've seen the old man?" Diego asked, crouching down and trying to pick the lock.

"Forty-five years," Five replied, sighing. He glanced at Diego as he started turning around.

"That's a trip," Diego stated, putting his knife into the key hole.

"No kidding," Five sighed, leaning back in the wall.

"There's easier ways to pick a lock, Diego," Y/n stated, putting her hands through her hair. He turned his head to her and glared before going back to the lock.

"You know, when I was stuck out there in the apocalypse," Five started after there was a small pause, turning to look through the glass door. "The wasn't a day that went by when I didn't hear his voice in me my head."

"What was he saying?" Diego asked, continuing to mess with the lock.

"I told you so."

Y/n's gaze softened slightly, almost to the point where you couldn't see it. Diego scoffed, pulling his hand away from the lock. "Well, if Dad's here, he's never met you before," Diego said. "So he can't say 'I told you so.'"

"I'm sure he'll find a way."

"Parents are assholes. Just-" Y/n shook her head. "Try and not let them get through to you I guess. That's what I try to do." Five raised an eyebrow, turning to her. She shrugged, crossing her arms over her body.


She shook her head, "I'm fine."

"You know-" Five said, tilting his head. "I could make you- not cold."

"Five Hargreeves, I will choke you."

"Now that's interesting. Because I specifically remember that I was the one who-"

Y/n cut him off, putting her hand over his mouth. She raised her eyebrows as he rolled his eyes. Taking her hand off his mouth, he glanced into the building before blinking in the other side of the doors. He clicked the lock, opening the door and sighed.

"Right," Diego nodded, standing up. "Gotta remember that," he said, walking into the building as Five held the door open.

"I was literally talking about it in the car," Y/n shook her head as she walked into the building, putting her arms out slightly. Five sighed, walking in after them.

Diego and Y/n walked into what looked like a waiting room. Y/n couldn't really tell because of how dark it was. There was a click, illuminating the room when Five turned on a lamp. He walked in between them. There was a weird electrical whining sound as the light flickered on and off before turning completely off. The three of them turned around and looked at the lamp, furrowing their brows. "Shit," Five said.

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