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"Come on, let's go," Five breathed as the car came to a quick stop. They all got out of the car quickly. Luther grabbed Allison and started inside. Diego and Klaus helped each other carry Y/n to the doors while Five quickly opened the doors for the three of them.

"I don't think she's breathing," Luther said, looking down at Allison.

"If we don't get her upstairs, she's gonna die," Klaus stated as him and Diego followed after Luther.


Diego, who pushed Five out of the way from doing it, held his hands on Allison's throat. Five got mad at him, but Diego had said, "You already have too much of Y/n's blood on your hands. If you react how Y/n reacted to you, you can't do much."

"She suffered a severe laceration to her larynx," Grace stated. She turned to the others behind her, "One of you will need to give blood."

"I will," they all said over each other at the same time.

"I will," Klaus said again.

Luther started pulling up his jacket sleeve, "I'm doing it."

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy," Pogo said from the end of Allison's bed, causing all of them to turn to him. "Your blood is more compatible with mine," he explained.

"Hey, don't sweat it," Klaus said quickly. "I- I got this, big guy." He ran around Luther, standing next to Grace as he put out his arm and started slapping it. "I- I love needles."

"Master Klaus," Pogo interjected, causing Klaus to turn around. "Your blood is- How shall I say this? Too polluted."

"Move," Diego said, taking his hands off Allison's neck.

"Yeah, go on," Luther said, moving out of the way.

Diego walked around next to Grace, "I'll do it." Grace nodded, turning around with a needle. As he saw it, Diego whimpered and fell to the ground, passing out.

Pogo nodded, "Stick him."


"She lost quite a lot of blood too," Grace said as they were leaning over Y/n. "She lost blood from her arm and cheek, but also an incident a few days ago," she turned to Klaus, Luther, and Five. "One of you might need to give blood."

"I'm doing it," Five said quickly, taking off his blazer.

"Five, you already lost blood from earlier-" Luther started.

"Do you think I care?" Five snapped. "I'm still doing it. And you two can't do it anyway. Diego's passed out over there."

The others looked at Pogo, who nodded slightly.


Five sat in the chair next to Y/n as she lay unconscious on the bed. Diego knocked on the doorway and walked in the room. Five didn't falter his gaze as he kept staring at Y/n.

"You need to shower, Five," Diego said, walking to the other side of Y/n. "You have her blood all over your hands."

Five shook his head and looked down at his hands. His breath faltered as he saw the dried blood on his hands.

"Don't worry, she didn't wash your blood off her hands either. Mom washed it off. I threatened to drag her out of the academy if she didn't come with us. That's why she wasn't there when you woke up," he explained, leaning against the wall. Five nodded, looking up at Diego. "I think that mannequin is starting to grow on her," he chuckled lightly. "That or it was just her in shock."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she was clutching onto that damn mannequin for dear life while staring at you. She was really freaked out."

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