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Her breath hitched. Everyone looked around at the sound of someone saying Y/n's name. Y/n, who was staring straight ahead, turning her head slowly around to look at the top of the stairs.

She shook her head, slowly getting away from the T.V. Walking over to the stairs, she grabbed the railing and started up the stairs quickly. He turned his head towards her as she reached the top of the stairs and stopped. She scoffed, shaking her head as a small smile came onto her face. Starting towards him, he raised an eyebrow. "You asshole," she breathed.

He chuckled quietly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. Shaking his head, he wrapped his arms around her lower back, "Miss me?"

"Miss you?" she asked, putting her hands on his shoulders, moving her upper half away from him. "You asshole, you left me here for almost a year," she scoffed lightly.


"Oops my ass," she rolled her eyes, grabbing his face. He furrowed his brows, knowing that she almost never showed any affection. He tilted his head slightly, causing her to roll her eyes again before smashing her lips against his. His eyes widened in surprise before he rolled them and they closed a few seconds later.

He raised his brow as she pulled away from him.

She pulled away, "This doesn't give you any power over me."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, okay, we'll see about that."


"We just need to get all of my siblings to agree to help us by any means necessary," Five sighed, getting a nod from Y/n in return.

"So, that kiss-" Five started as the two of them sat in front of a table. They were waiting for Diego to be brought to them as they sat in a meeting room in a psych ward.

"Subject change please," Y/n said, looking at him from the side. "That was in the heat of the moment and I needed to get Banks off my ass."

"Fine. How long have you been stuck here?" he asked, sighing.

"Don't know, are you still going to kill me?"

"What?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

She sighed, "One of the last times I saw you, you threatened to kill me because you found out who my dear old mom is. Which-" She pointed at him, "I'm not a huge fan of her sometimes."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, next time you and I kiss, I'm going to grab one of your knives-"


He rolled his eyes again, "Whatever. I'll grab one and stab you." He nodded, smiling sarcastically.

"Two hundred and eight-four days. Got here on February fourth, so I might be a day or two off," Y/n said, sitting up straight in her chair.

"Two hundred and-"

"Five. Y/n," Diego said quietly, cutting Five off.

"Hey, Diego," Five said, turning to Diego as he leaned back in his chair.

Diego eyed him before glancing at Y/n. Pulling out the empty chair across from the two of them, he started slowly sitting down in it. "You look good in white," he said, letting out a breath as he nodded slightly to Diego's clothes.

"Nice change," Y/n said, crossing her legs and putting her hands on her knees.

"About time you showed up," Diego shook his head, looking at Five.

"How'd you know I'd be back?" Five asked, lifting his head slightly.

Diego leaned forwards, causing Five to do the same. "Because that's the kind of shit you pull," Diego said angrily, leaning farther forward.

sorry i'm a shit daughter♡︎Where stories live. Discover now