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"The Gimble Broth-?"

"God dammit, Hargreeves!" Y/n exclaimed as Five suddenly blinked them into the Gimble Brother's department store. "How long ago was it that I told you to not do that shit without telling me?"

He shrugged, "Don't care." Sighing, he looked around. After a few seconds of looking, he started walking away from Y/n with his hands in his pockets. "And you need to stop calling me by my last name! I have six other siblings with the same last name!" he shouted back to her, continuing to walk. She huffed, putting her hand through her hair.

Shaking her head, she decided to follow him. There was no point in trying to gain his trust without going along with him; even if it was making her miserable.

He walked over to a shelf and looked down at a tall, metal box. Inside, where flashlights. Grabbing one, he turned it on and moved it around the building, trying to find something. Y/n shrugged, taking one too.

Five started walking around, stopping in front of different displays; all of which had mannequins on them. He shined the light on each of them before moving to the next display to do the same. She clicked on her flashlight, looking around at the clothes on the racks rather than doing whatever he was doing.

She sighed, "So, if we aren't going to steal anything or commit arson while we're in here, than why are we here?"

"That's very unproper of you," Five said, moving the flashlight to a display about ten feet away from them.

"No, what is 'unproper' is you using the word 'unproper.' The proper term is improper," she sighed, moving her flashlight to another rack of clothing. The light shone over a lime green button up shirt with red polka dots all over it and some yellow embroidered flowers(?) She couldn't tell if they were flowers or not, but they looked close enough to it. "Who in their right mind would by something like that? I mean I know I'm insane, but at least I have a decent fashion sense," she mumbled, shaking her head. "I should make you an outfit here. I think you would rather enjoy my choi-" She cut herself off, seeing Five not in the spot he had been just a moment before.

Looking around, she saw him standing in front of a display with three mannequins on it. He had the light shone on the one in the middle, keeping his focus on that one only.

What the hell is he doing? I guess that Mom was right when she said this guy was crazy.

Slowly and carefully, she walked up beside him, stopping to look up at the mannequin that peeked his interest. "Delores," he said quietly, smiling slightly up at the mannequin in the middle.

There was a long pause of Y/n thinking something along the lines of: Is he actually insane? He's insane. And Five staring at the mannequin. "It's good to see you," he said, swallowing afterwards. "I've missed you," his voice trailed off. "Obviously."

What the fuck. Is this kid seriously talking to a mannequin?

"Well, I-" he paused, shaking his head slightly. Trying to come up with words, he sighed quietly. "It's been a rough- couple of days."

What the hell did I agree to?

"No!" Five yelled, confusing Y/n. That was, until the gunshots went off. Her and Five both ducked down, hiding behind the small display. Though, it didn't help at all. Five grabbed Y/n's wrist, dragging her over behind a clothing rack.

Five was still crouched down, not being seen by the two shooters. Y/n huffed, sitting down on the ground. "What the hell are you doing?" he whisper-shouted as she sat down.

Clicking her flashlight off, she gestured to Five's flashlight. "I'm sitting. What else do you think I'm doing? Now cut that damn light or we're going to be dead in two seconds," she glared at him and he rolled his eyes, clicking the light off.

sorry i'm a shit daughter♡︎Where stories live. Discover now