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"It already started," Y/n said, as they reached the top of the stairs and could hear the orchestra playing. They all kept walking, trying to get into the theater room as soon as the possibly could. Allison quickly walked in front of them, putting a hand on Luther's chest. They all stopped, looking at Allison as she pointed to her notepad that she held up.

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"Wha-" Luther started. Y/n and Diego stopped a few feet in front of the others and turned as Klaus had stopped right next to Luther. "Allison, I can't let you do that, all right? She's beyond reasoning."

"You hear the music?" Diego asked loudly, pointing to the doors where the orchestra was playing. "Did you hear, Y/n? It already started."

"Do you honestly think that she's gonna listen?" Luther asked Allison. "After everything that's happened?" Allison tilted her head to the side.

"We don't have time for this," Klaus said, interrupting what Luther was trying to say.

Y/n sighed, taking a step towards Luther and Allison. "Klaus is right. We don't have time. The world ends tonight. And by the looks of it, I'd say in less than two hours tops. One hour at the best. We don't have time to debate out this. If you won't let Allison go along, let me go with her."

Allison looked from Y/n to Luther, nodding her head quickly.

Luther shook his head, "No, I'm not letting that happen. We don't know you well enough, Y/n. You could kill someone."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Just because I'm an assassin, doesn't mean that I'll try and kill Allison." She paused, realizing what she had said. "Don't tell Five I told you that. He'll kill me."

Diego shook his head, "Five trusts her-"

"He hasn't lately," Luther retorted.

"Listen, Luther. Five trusts her. That's good enough for me. And it's the only shot we have. So decide now, because our lives depend on it," Diego snapped.

Luther nodded, "Okay."

Y/n walked forwards, grabbing Allison's arm softly as she started walking backwards. Allison turned fully around, so they both started walking towards the stairs. After climbing up the stairs, they walked to the doors and looked both ways before turning to the left.


"Holy shit, that's beautiful," Y/n whispered as her and Allison stopped next to a man at the end of the front row. As they had walked down the carpeted aisle, everyone had glanced or looked over at them. As to why everyone was looking at them, there were a few possibilities. It could be that they weren't wearing clothes anywhere near the clothes that everyone in the audience was wearing. It could've been that Allison had a white bandage on her neck and Y/n had wrap on her leg, though it wasn't very visible from being covered by her cloak. Or it could just be the fact that in the middle of the orchestra playing, two people were walking down the aisle and standing next to the front seats.

Vanya looked up from her music and looked out into the crowd. When her eyes landed on Allison she smiled, causing Allison to give her a small smile. Vanya's eyes landed on Y/n, giving her a small smile, Y/n faintly smiled at her and nodded.

Before they knew it, Diego and Luther were running out from the sides of the stage directly to Vanya. Y/n and Allison both shook their heads as the two did so. Noticing that they were running for her, Vanya stood up. Energy gathered around her quickly as she moved her violin bow in a swinging motion. There was a big energy wave that came from Vanya, sending Luther and Diego flying off the stage and into the crowd.

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