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Y/n walked on Five's left side, looking forwards as she took the cigarette out of her mouth every ten or so seconds. Five looked down at the slip of paper in his hand, as if staring at the address was going to change anything.  He glanced up before looking back down. They passed a line of parked cars. A man in the driver seat of one of the cars, opened the door and almost hit Five. Five moved slightly, glancing back at the man. Y/n rolled her eyes, pushing the car door back closed with her foot. The man glared at her from inside the car. She shook her head and took the cigarette out of her mouth, flipping the man off as she smiled fakely a blew out smoke.

Y/n caught up with Five, putting the cigarette back in her mouth before they got to the sidewalk. Walking down the sidewalk, they turned to the doors. Y/n took the cigarette out of her mouth and blew out more smoke before licking her thumb and index finger, twisting the end of the cigarette to put it out. Five raised an eyebrow as she did so and threw it away, walking back over to him.

She fixed her jacket, grabbing the door handle before swinging the door open. Keeping her hand on the door, she walked in. Five followed after her, fixing his blazer as the two of them looked around. They both turned to their left and started walking.

The two of them stopped next to a woman that was leaning over a table. Five leaned down, trying to get the woman's attention. "Excuse me," he said.

The woman jumped back slightly, "Uff da." Y/n furrowed her brows. The woman smiled, looking the two of them up and down, "You snuck up of me there."

"Nice hair," Y/n nodded, putting her hands in her jacket pockets.

"Why thank you!" the woman exclaimed. "I like your hair too! It's very- sixties."

Y/n nodded slowly, "Sixties."

"If you're looking for the cookies, we don't put 'em out till three," she said, leaning back over the table to put letters on a board.

Five messed with his hands, looking over at Y/n. She turned and shrugged. Five sighed and shook his head, turning back to the woman. "I can hardly wait," he said emotionlessly.

"Way to be enthusiastic," Y/n whispered.

Five rolled his shoulders, "Uh, do you happen to know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting?" he asked, looking around the room.

"Sure do," the woman said, turning to the two of them. She pointed to a door that lead to a hallway, "Muskellunge Banquet Room. You looking for you mom? She in for the convention? I'm sure she'd be happy to see your girlfriend with you."

Must everyone find a way to think we're dating?

Y/n shook her head, putting her thumb and middle finger on her temples. "Not dating," she said to the woman, continuing to shake her head as Five looked down the hallway that the woman had pointed to.

"Hey," he said, pulling out some money from his blazer pocket. "Could I get some change?" he asked, handing the money to the woman.

The woman took the money and gestured to the fanny pack around her waist. "Oh, sure. I'll just look in my purse," she said, zipping open the fanny pack. Putting the money in it, she started riffling through coins, counting them.

Y/n leaned up to Five's ear, causing him to turn his head slightly. "That's a fanny pack, not a purse," she whispered, shaking her head as Five rolled his eyes and shook his head in amusement. Five sighed, fixing his blazer as Y/n got back to where she was next to him.

"Only a nickel and a couple of dimes," the woman said, continuing to search. "Oh!" she said, grabbing a coin. "You- are- in- luck, mister," she said, putting the coins into Five's hand.

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