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"i never really wanted to talk about this part of my life but i trust you enough to tell you now" i sighed and looked at him as he sat next to me.

"the guy we saw back there was my ex. we dated for a year and a half. it was not one of those cute couple relationships, well at least not to me. people saw us as the ideal couple but when it was just us he was the worst person ever" my eyes began to fill with tears making my vision blurry.

"we broke up a couple months ago because i caught him cheating on me and i found out it had not been the first time. but if i'm being honest i'm happy i found out because if it weren't for that day i would probably still be stuck in that manipulative mess" a tear rolled down my cheek but i quickly wiped it away.

"i'm so sorry that happened to you" he looked at me then hugged me.

"i'm happy you can trust me and i promise you if he comes near you again i will be a the living shit out of him" he threw fake punches at the air.

"okay that's enough" i laugh making him smile.

"em, you know i leave tomorrow"

"i know and i don't want to think about that right now" i laid down and put my head on his chest.

"i'm going to washingtion for christmas to spend time with my family and then we'll see what happens from there alright" he played with my hair as i just nodded.

"when do you think we will make it official to everyone?" i asked as i looked at vinnie.

"whenever you want" he smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

"good because i've been wanting to post this picture on instagram" i showed him my phone as he pulls up the picture he was going to post.

"you positive you want to do it now?" vinnie asked for reassurance and i just nodded.

"you positive you want to do it now?" vinnie asked for reassurance and i just nodded

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vinniehacker: my girl 😎

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vinniehacker: my girl 😎

@emmpolibio: is that beautiful young lady taken?? 😏
^vinniehacker: yes she's mine 😤

^vinniehacker: BECAUSE YOU LOOK GOOD 🤬

^vinniehacker: NO YOU DIDNT 🙄☝🏻

@mattiapolibio: watch yourself hacker
^vinniehacker: will do sir

@: is this conforming it????
^vinniehacker: yes

@author: very badly edited picture if you ask me lol

@: you're supposed to be dating me 🙄☝🏻

@kiocyrr: congrats!!

@emmnicoll: stop you guys are cute
^vinniehacker: ❤️

@: my parents

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emmpolibio: i've joined simpnation 😔

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emmpolibio: i've joined simpnation 😔

@vinniehacker: hmmm
^emmpolibio: hmmmm

@vinniehacker: you're cute can i get your snap 😈
^emmpolibio: no 😈

@: we've lost them ladies and gents

@: break his heart and i'll stalk you

@kairicosentino: simp ahahaha
^emmpolibio: should i call *****??

@: she's a fallen soldier 😞
^emmpolibio: may i rest in peace

@: we lost him 😔

@: she's pretty 🏃🏻‍♀️

@: i called it

@emmnicoll: you've replaced me 🤬
^emmpolibio: never that 🤬

@: why is he even with her?

@: eww love
^emmpolibio: disgusting ik 🙄

@mattiapolibio: disgusting
^emmpolibio: like your face 😘

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authors note:
i didn't like the last chapter so i redid it all. ignore my very bad editing skills i used picsart 😭

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now