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there i was putting my suitcase into the car to go to la. my parents were only letting me go because they get knew all of the boys were going to be there.

"you ready?" alejandro sat next to me. we had gotten a lot closer the past couple of days. it was like the old times again.

my parents drove us to the airport and as we began to arrive my mom went over the stuff we had to do in order to be able to stay in la.

"boys please take care of emeline" my mom pointed at the them and they just nodded.

"be safe sweetheart please" she hugged me and kissed my forehead.

we waved goodbye as we entered the airport. it was absolutely filled with people coming and going to their next destination.

we got a chance to sit down and have something for breakfast. our gate was called not long after.

i don't remember much of the flight except for sitting down and knocking out the whole flight, luckily all of our seats were together so it wasn't the most uncomfortable thing in the world.

"em, wake up" mattia shook me awake.

we got our bags off of the storage units above the seats and got off the plane.

"i called a friend to come get us, so we don't have to get an uber" mattia lead us to baggage claim where we spent most of the time waiting for our bags.

"he's here let's go" we walked for what seemed an eternity.

"hey guys" a voice behind me said. i turned to see who it was and there stood one of the most cruel men in the world.


authors notes:
i'm back lmao. the break was not what i expected and i realized i like writing than doing nothing.

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