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i sat there in shock. my brain had trouble processing that what i was hoping to happen was actually happening.

"you know maybe it wasn't the right time and i know you are still a little uneasy from the whole kio situation but-"

"yes of course i'll be your girlfriend dummy" i smiled as i cut him off.

whenever he was nervous he was talk excessively fast and well i guess you could say he was nervous.

a smile of comfort came upon his face as he looked at me in shock.

he wrapped one arm around my waist as we turned back to watch the sunset. with my head on his shoulder, i felt like i was dreaming. i couldn't help but smile at the fact that i was finally happy again.

as soon as the sunset and the moon came out we cleaned up and headed back home. when we got there the driveway sat empty no cars, the house was dark.

vinnie hopped out of his seat to open my door and i sighed.

"looks like my parents still aren't home" i got down and walked towards the door.

"do you think they forgot?" i turned around to look at vinnie.

"don't overthink it" he said as he put his arm on my shoulder.

i opened the door and reached for the light.

"surprise!" i heard as i turned around to see everyone coming out of their hiding spot.

"oh my god" i stood there in shock.

i smiled at the sight of all of my friends and family standing around me.

"did he ask you?" i heard mattia scream from the couch.

i nodded as i looked at vinnie who seemed to be getting interrogated by my dad.

as everyone get settled my mom came up to me and sat next to me.

"so tell me how it went?" she asked causing me to smile.

"well he took me on a date to the beach and he just asked me"

"i'm glad to see you're happy again sweetheart" she held onto my hand and smiled at me.

"i'm the happiest i've ever been"

"let's cut your cake so you can rest for a little bit alright?" she walked over to the kitchen to grab the cake and everyone circled around me.

as they sang happy birthday i remembered how much these people meant to me. there were the people who saw me at my worst and helped me get to my best. i truly owed all of them a lot.

"...happy birthday to you" i blew the candles as they all finished singing.

"what did you wish for?" gianluca asked as he sat next to me.

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now