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emmpolibio: 📍los angeles tagged: kiocyrr

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emmpolibio: 📍los angeles
tagged: kiocyrr

@: love the fit!!!
^emmpolibio: thank you love!!

@: her and kio are friends???!??
^emmpolibio: no
^kiocyrr: i'm never taking your pictures ever again.

@: yess beauty
^emmpolibio: thanks queen

@: okay get ig 🙄
^emmpolibio: 🙄

@: ahhhh i love you
^emmpolibio: stop i love you!!

@: marry me?!?!
^emmpolibio: no ❤️

@kiocyrr: i take pretty good pictures 😌
^emmpolibio: it's just me

@: i knew it!!
^emmpolibio: no you didn't 🥸

@: talk to vinnie

@: jeans?
^emmpolibio: pacsun!!

@: celebrity crush??
^emmpolibio: louis patridge 😶

@: i want to be you 🤬
^emmpolibio: i want to be YOU 🤬

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i woke up to my phone going crazy with messages and phone calls, some from people i knew and others from people i didn't.

"who the fuck is this and why do you keep calling me" i answered one of the many phone calls.

"em, i'm not doing so well. i need you please. i'm sorry for what i did. i'm going crazy without you" i could hear his slowly voice fading away.

"vin, stay right where you are okay? i'll be there very shortly" i got out of bed and changed into some sweats and a sweatshirt. i ran out of my room and into the room mattia was staying in.

"matti?" i shook him trying to wake him up.

"what the fuck do you want?" he groaned as he turned around.

"i'm going to take the car" he just nodded his head but shot back up as he realized what he had let me do.

he immediately jumped out of bed and ran outside following me.

"where are you going?" he yelled as i rolled the window down.

"i have to go to sway, i'll be back in a few minutes" he finally walked back inside after giving me a lecture to be safe or i wouldn't hear the end of it.

i put the address on the gps as i played my music.

was i absolutely shitting bricks for what i was about to walk into? yes.

but the biggest question i had for myself was why was i even going and why would i be the person he would call.

as much as i didn't want to, i still loved vinnie and there was nothing that could change that. i was still upset at what happened, i mean who wouldn't be.

i pulled into the driveway and quickly got out of the car.

as i got closer to the door my heart keep sinking lower and lower. i rang the door bell to be greeted by kio, who seemed to be surprised.

"what's going on?" he questioned as he opened the door wide enough for me to come inside.

"vinnie, i came to see vinnie" i said trying to not seem as nervous as i actually was.

"he hasn't come out of his room y-" a loud thump from upstairs interrupted kio mid sentence.

we both looked at each other and ran up to stair as quickly as possible.

"vinnie, are you okay in there? you have someone here for you" kio yelled as loud as he could as he tried to open the door.

after a while of trying he kicked the door open to reveal vinnie laying on the floor with a container of pills in his hand.

i quickly ran over to him shaking him in attempt of waking him up.

"come on vin, you can't leave me"

authors notes:
surprise shawtyyyyy!!!! give me ideas i'm running out please!!!

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now