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third person-

it had now been 3 days since the party and emeline had yet to get out of bed in those 3 days.

she hadn't been handling the situation well. comments usually never got to her but she had been getting death threats in her dms which made everything a lot worse.

not only was she getting hate but many influencers as well.

as she laid in bed she stared at the ceiling thinking about life but she got interrupted by asudden knock on the door.

"come in" she yelled loud enough for the person to hear.

"hey, how you doin" she knew she recognized that voice as she turned around she saw the one and only vincent hacker standing there.

"i mean what can i say never been better" emeline sat up and vinnie sat next to her.

"emily told me you haven't left this room, nor have you eaten so guess what?" the boy asked looking at the girl waiting for a response.

she just looked at him and he sighed at the sight of her completely broken.

"we are going to lunch whether you like it or not. so get ready in 15, i'll be waiting in the living room" vinnie left and closed the door behind him.

emeline sighed knowing there was no way of getting herself out of this. she looked at her phone and it was just flooded with hate comments and slut shaming.

she powered it off and placed it on the night stand. she picked out a simple yet cute outfit and left the room.

"well that was a lot quicker than i thought" vinnie said as he got up noticing the girl was done getting ready.

"let's go" he put his arm around her shoulder and they walked to the parking garage.

the car ride to wherever they were going was quite interesting one moment they were breaking into music and the next they were having serious talks.

once they arrived to the cafe, paparazzi was already there waiting for them to get out of the car.

"i can't do this" emeline said as she put her head back on the seat.

"you don't have to answer any questions just smile and wave. but if you want i can find another cafe?" she smiled at him but shook her head.

they got out of the car and he started right away with the questions.

"hi, how are you guys doing today?"

"we are doing great how about yourself?" vinnie responded for the both of them knowing emeline was uncomfortable.

"i'm doing fantastic, um so i heard you guys attended a party and stuff went down, care to explain" he went right where emeline was trying to avoid.

"we don't really want to speak on that's of now, i'm so sorry" just like that they made it through the mob of people.

the waiter seated them and gave them menus to browse.

"so talk to me" vinnie said trying to start a conversation up.

"i mean what do you want me to say"

"how are you feeling? i know we just met but i promise you, you can trust me" he looked at her with reassurance.

"ehm i don't really know. like i know i have no right to be upset because we were never anything but it hurts that he would go online and say all this bullshit to make me look bad" emeline looked down.

vinnie sighed "you know kio has never been that type of person but after his break up with olivia he's been off and on with her and it's not healthy for anyone. i'm not defending him because what he did was wrong but you definitely didn't deserve that".

emeline smiled, the waiter brought the food to the teens and they conversated for the rest of the time.

once they finished vinnie drove to emily's apartment where they sat on the couch and watched a movie.

half way into the movie vinnie felt something on his shoulder, he turned and saw emeline sleeping with her head on his shoulder.

he smiled to himself and placed his head on top of hers.

authors notes:
heyyyy guys long time no see hahaha. i took some time to focus on school and my mental health because i wasn't really in a good place. i'm still struggling but i want to give you guys content. thank you guys for sticking around and for 800 reads. i love you all dearly mwah ❤️

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now