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as i opened the door, i see vinnie standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"i actually i think i came to the wrong house" he jokes as i stared at him in shock.

"so are you going to hug me or should i just-"

i cut him off by engulfing him into a hug.

"i can't believe you're actually here, in jersey" i smiled as i hugged him a bit tighter.

"and these are for you though i didn't text you i think they might make up for it" he said as he handed me the flowers.

"finally i can leave, she was getting annoying" kairi hugged vinnie and they both laughed.

"mattia waiting for you in the car" vinnie informed kairi as he began to say goodbye to us.

i looked at vinnie one more time to make sure i wasn't dreaming and he smiled. i hated when he did that because it gave me butterflies.

"okay now that you know i'm here, get ready i'm about to take you on the best day of your life" he sighed as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"how long do i have?"

"about an hour so you better hurry it up"

i ran up to my room and blasted music. and a song came up, a song i hadn't heard nor listened to in a while. not only because it reminded her of the worst person in the world but it had left her scarred.

backstory (TW ⚠️) -
emeline and mariano had been dating for a year and a half well up until he cheated on her.

it was never easy on her she grew to have an eating disorder, her depression was worse and anxiety had taken over her mind.

emeline and mariano had attended the annual passaic valley end of school year party. practically everyone from the school went, even some from other schools.

emeline vividly remembers looking for mariano throughout the house, until she got to the bathroom where she saw him making out with another girl.

her eyes filled with tears, she slammed the door and ran down the stairs.

"em" mariano yelled as he followed her.

"what do you want?" she turned around and he vision was fogged with tears.

"it's not what it looks like"

"really then what was it. because to me it looked like you were making out with someone else or is there something wrong with my vision huh?!" emeline had never gotten this mad. she felt a mixture of betrayal and hurt.

"don't you dare raise your voice at me" mariano's voice raised making emeline flinch.

"i never liked you, you wanna know how long this has been going on for huh?! since last year and you had no clue. your such a clueless bitch" mariano slapped emeline and just as that happened mattia came running outs

"what did you do to her?" he go defensive as his sister cried and held her cheek.

mariano stayed silent and walked back into the party.

"he's never going to hear the end of this. let's go home" he helped her up and they headed home.

after that day emeline felt worthless.

her parents saw her condition and got her a therapist but if anything that made everything worse.

she never left her room, missed out on school, never ate anymore, she didn't even talk to mattia.

the one night she was done with everything. she walked into her bathroom, and dumped a pile a pills into her hand. her chest feeling tight, her head began pound. she tried to get up to get help but failed. instead she fell to the floor and fainted.

mattia rushed into her room and called for his parents.

"em, stay with me please" was all emeline could hear very faintly.

next time she woke up she was hooked up to a bunch of machines with all sorts of doctors around her.

"yes i think that's what's best for her" she could hear her parents say.


"principessa, your awake" her father rushed to the side of her bed.

"we'll run some tests to make sure she's doing fine but the week she'll be at the ward, she will be highly supervised" the doctor said as she smiled at emeline.

"what is she talking about papa?"

"we've thought it would be best if you spent some time away from here. but like the doctor said you'll be in great hands" he smiled making sure his daughter was okay with it.

after all the tests and scans emeline said goodbye to her parents and she got sent away.

during that week she pulled herself together and decided she wanted to move on with her life.

end of backstory

"go ahead and cry little girl, nobody does it like you do" that was it, that was the song and forever haunted her.


mariano castano as himself

authors note:i wanted to add a very realistic touch

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authors note:
i wanted to add a very realistic touch. if you guys ever feel alone or need anyone to talk to feel free to message me or speak to someone you trust. your feelings are valid and so are you. you matter and you should continue to push. the suicide hotline is (800) 273-8255.
please stay strong in these hard times we will all get through it and i love you all. remember you're beautiful ❤️

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