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today was the day i had been dreading since vinnie got here. the day he would leave.

his flight was a lot earlier than his flight here, we all woke up early to make sure we all made it to the airport in time.

as i got ready the week he spent hit me all in a flash. we were now dating, he got along with my friends and family perfectly, he was perfect.

i sat on my bed not wanting him to leave. when he came out of the bathroom he noticed i was zoned out.

"love, you okay?" he said as he sat next to me.

"i just don't want you to go" i looked at him and he hugged me.

"you know we'll see each other soon" he kissed my forehead and then began to pack his things.

once he was done we headed downstairs for breakfast my parents had made, there sat kairi, alejandro and mattia already eating away.

"thank you so much for waiting" i said in sarcasm as i pat mattia's head.

"we waited but then y'all took too long" he said in between chewing his food, i cringed at the sight of him speaking.

"eat up kids before you guys have to leave" vinnie and i sat down on the table and we all talked.

"vinnie before you leave may i speak to you" my dad said as we were putting our dishes into the sink.

"yes sir" vinnie put his plate down and followed my dad.

we put his luggage into the car and waited on him. after a while he came out and ran into the car.

"everything okay?" i asked him as he put his seatbelt on and he nodded.

the car ride consisted of us singing and fighting up until we got to the airport. vinnie said his goodbyes to the boys and when they were done they got into the car again to give us a bit of privacy.

"i'll see you soon alright bub" as he hugged me i felt my eyes tear up.

"i'm gonna miss you" i cupped his face with my hands.

"i love you" he kissed me and we hugged one last time.

"call me when you get home" i waved goodbye with tears running down my face.

as i got back into the car the boys looked at me.

"you really love him huh?"

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now