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mattia had taken vic and kairi home. alejandro was going to stay with us because his family had gone out of town for a couple days.

"em, you want finish unwrapping gifts from earlier?" my mom walked towards me and sat next to me.

"sure" i got up and sat next to the tree. i opened my gifts and loved all of them of course.

"who's this one from?" i asked as i pulled a huge box from under the tree.

"i don't know it came in the mail a few days ago"

as i began to open it, there were a bunch of my things as well as christmas presents. i found a card and decided to read it before opening anything else.

thought you might want your things back. text me when you are ready to talk- vinnie

"uhm i think i'll open this one later" i smiled looking back down at the box.

"uhm mattia, kairi and i want to go to la for new years and i was wondering if you'd like to come with us. you obviously don't have to but it would be nice for you to join us" alejandro sat next to me.

"that sounds fun but i'll have to talk to my parents about that. you know how they've been since everything happened" i smiled.

"miss me" mattia yelled as he walked through the doors.

"no not really" i rolled my eyes as i got up to get a water bottle.

"i should've just let you die" he said causing me to laugh.

"don't joke around like that mattia" my mom said as she hit his head.

"i'm going to go up to my room" i grabbed my waterbottle and went up to my room.

i decided it was time to open the box. it had all of the pictures we took together, tickets from anywhere we went and the sweatshirt i let him borrow the first time he slept over at emily's.

i felt tears roll down my cheek. i began to unwrap the things that were at the very bottom and they were things i had mentioned i wanted for a while.

i opened my phone debating on texting him or leaving everything how it was.

i typed out what i wanted to say but a part of me didn't want to click send. so i just sat there with my finger hovering over the send button with tears streaming down my face.

until there was a sudden knock on my door.

"are you okay?" alejandro stood there.

"uh yeah just a little upset but it's fine" i laughed.

authors notes:
i start school in 3 days 🥲. which means i won't be as active as i am now i will try my best to update as much as i can in the next few day but i love y'all and thank you for 6k reads!!

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now