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i shot back into reality and finished getting ready. as i walked downstairs there sat vinnie on the couch.

he was wearing a grey crew neck with a white collared shirt underneath. on top layered his jewelry.

"you look beautiful" he smiled as he walked over to me and hugged me.

"you don't look so bad yourself" i smiled back at him.

"alright, you ready to go?" he looked at me and i nodded my head.

we got into his rental car, which was a nice nice black camaro. he put his music on and as we drove to the place we sang our hearts out and caught up.

"here i need you to put this on" he said as he slowed down on the street handing me a blindfold.

"if you're about to strand me in the middle of nowhere i will kill you" i put the blind fold carefully over my eyes trying to not ruin my mascara.

we drove for what felt another 15 minutes. i felt vinnie open the door and he held onto my hand to lead me into the way.

"okay you can take the blindfold off now" 

i carefully took it off revealing the beautiful scenery of the beach with a picnic on the sand.

"so do you like it?" he looked at me as i stood there in shock.

"of course are you kidding me"

we sat down and talked for hours. then finally vinnie cleared his throat.

"i think this might be the perfect time to ask you"

"what? you're making me scared" i looked at him waiting to spit out what he was going to say.

"i don't know if there necessarily a right way to do this but here i go. will you be my girlfriend?"

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now