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"what do you mean is emeline home? i thought she was with you" i paced back and forth as vic called me to make sure emeline made it home.

"my phone died while i was shopping so when i got back into my car to charge it i saw that there were a bunch of notifications from her. i tried calling and texting her but i've gotten nothing" vic got into her car as she began to worry for her friend.

"let me try to call her i'll see you here" i quickly ended to call and looked for emeline's name in my contacts.

i waited for someone to pick up to phone but it sent me straight to voicemail. i texted her number multiple times but got no response.

once vic got to the house, the boys followed right behind her. we all tried to reach her but there was still nothing.

"mattia, come help me with the groceries- oh hey kids" my mom smiled at the sight of all of my friends.

"mama can you sit down for a little bit please" she looked at me like i was crazy. i didn't know how to tell her.

"okay what's going on you all look like you saw a ghost" she tried to joke but no one laughed, causing her to know that it was actually serious.

"i think emeline is missing"

"what do you mean emeline is missing? i just saw her this morning." she looked at me with narrow eyes.

after i explained everything to her, i could see she looked empty. she had no reaction, her first instinct was to call her phone.

"emmy, sweetheart, please call me back when you can. we all are worried about you. i love you sweet" she left a voicemail.

"this can't be real matti, i shouldn't have let her go. now she's gone" my mom began to breakdown.

"mama, it's okay well file a police report and i'll go out to try to look for her" i hugged her knowing how much it hurt.

after we called the police they quickly arrived our house and began to question us all especially vic.

"okay we'll send out an amber alert and we'll be on the look out. let us know if you guys find something new alright" the police officer left.

kairi made a missing poster so we could put out and post on our stories. i tried to seem strong for my mom but i really couldn't, she was my bestfriend and even though i may have not been the best brother it sucked to not know where she was nor what was happening to her.

i felt empty.

mattiapolibio: if seen or have any information on where she could be, please contact me through dm or the number above

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mattiapolibio: if seen or have any information on where she could be, please contact me through dm or the number above.

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vinniehacker:why are people dming me telling me emeline is missing?

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why are people dming me
telling me emeline is missing?

is it true??

yes dipshit and after we find her
you stay away from her.
seen 9:32pm



authors note:
kind of a filler sorry sorry. but i promise tomorrow i will update the more interesting stuff i just needed to get this part out of the way. ALSO i made a hamzah book for those who also enjoy the 4freakshow, so let me know if y'all would like to read that lol.

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now