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"stai al sicuro e chiamami quando arrivi" (be safe and call me when you get there) my dad hugged both mattia and i one last time before we walked into our gate.

as we got on the plane we looked for our seats and we put our bags into the storage compartments that were right above them.

the flight was about 5 hours long but i didn't remember any of it. all i remember was sitting down and drifting off to sleep.

"em, wake up. we're here" mattia shook me awake as he got up from his seat.

we got our bags from the storage and walked off the airplane.

"you call mom and i'll call emily" i suggested as we walked to baggage claim for our bags to stroll by.

"where are you guys at?" emily said right after she picked up the phone.

"we're waiting for our bags. where are you?"

"wait hold on i see you guys" emily hung up the call as she saw the two teen standing right in front of her.

i ran to her and engulfed her into a hug.

"i can't believe you're actually here" she said into my shoulder.

"i've missed you so much" i hugged her a little tighter.

mattia cleared his throat.

"don't think i forgot about you polibio" emily smiled and gave mattia a hug.

we walked to her car and mattia helped me put our bags into the trunk.

"this is still feels so unreal" emily looked at me one more time to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"well believe it because once you know it we will be gone" mattia said as he ruined the exciting moment we were having.

"don't worry mattia, i have a few friends i think you will enjoy hanging out with" emily looked at him through the mirror and he just rolled his eyes.

not long  after emily pulled into the parking garage of her apartment complex.

"ill help emeline with the bags mattia you follow" emily put her car in park and walked to the back.

we walked up to her apartment and there greeted us a tall boy with black hair. he offered to help with the bags i was holding which was nice.

"sorry rude of me to not introduce myself, i'm kio, kio cyr" he extended his hand out for me to shake.

"emeline polibio" i smiled as i shook his hand.

"aren't you-"

"kio?" mattia interrupted.

"my man" kio gave mattia that stupid hug thing boys do.

"well i see you've already met kio" emily said as she closed the door.

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now