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i woke up somewhat early just to make sure i didn't sleep through the day kio had planned.

i didn't take as much time getting ready, so i sat on the couch and scrolled through tiktok to pass some time.

after a few minutes i received a message from the man himself, kio, saying he was downstairs.

i left a note for emily and mattia on the counter to let them know that i was out.

i walked downstairs and got into kios car.

"where off to first?" i asked as i buckled my seat belt.

"good morning to you too" he laughed.

"i was thinking urth cafe and the melrose trading post" he had his eyes on the road and he turned as he listened to the gps.

"that sounds fun" i put my head back on the seat and looked at the beautiful scenery of the palm trees and traffic.

"so tell me about yourself" kio asked trying to not let the conversation die down.

"what do you want to know?"

"the basics, i guess"

"well i'm 16 turn 17 in a couple weeks, i'm half italian and mexican. i guess you can say i have tiktok clout but only because of mattia" i laughed well because it was true.

"you have millions of followers people i'm sure people like you for you" he pulled into a parking spot and i just smiled.

he quickly jumped off the car and opened my door.

we walked into the cafe and it was filled with people, including paparazzis waiting for any celebrity or tiktoker to walk in.

and just as kio and i walked in they began to snap pictures and shout questions. but we ignored it and walked inside.

as we ate lunch, we talked. it really wasn't eventful at all until kio got a call.

"i can't right now. i'm with a friend. okay fine i'll be there in 10" he hung up the phone and looked at me.

"the boys want to film this brand deal we've been working on for months, do you mind tagging along to sway for like 15 minutes"

"oh not at all" i smiled and finished up my lunch which was an avocado toast with a sunny side egg on top.

as they walked back to the car fletcher came

once we go go sway there were boxes of drinks and what seemed to be a party planner was running around the whole house.

"you can wait for me on the couch it'll be quick" kio ran up to the backyard and left me inside.

i sat down on the couch just like he said and i looked around.

the house was huge, and when i say huge i mean huge.

"uhm are you waiting for anyone?" i heard a voice behind me say.

"oh i'm here with kio, he's filming something right now" i turned around and saw the same guy that was a saddle ranch yesterday.

would you like anything to drink?" he walked to the fridge as he got a water for himself.

"no thank you" i shook my head as he sat down on the couch across from me.

"i'm bryce by the way, we met last night" he said trying to start conversation with me guessing he could feel the awkward tension.

"oh right. see i knew you seemed familiar" i chuckled.

"so you're mattia's sister right"

"yeah sadly. but don't worry i'm the complete opposite of him"

just as we kept conversation going kio came running through the door looking for me.

"there you are. ready to go?" he asked as he stood by the island.

"uh yeah, it was so nice talking to you, bryce" i excused myself and left.

"there's a party later tonight if you want to come by" bryce yelled as we walked out the door.

i nodded and waved goodbye.

kio drove me home since he had to go back to sway either way.

"think about going to the party please" he said as i shut the door. i just smiled and walked up to the apartment.

"there she is" emily shouted as she opened the door.

"how was it?"

"i mean nothing special, we had brunch and went to sway" i took off my shoes and placed them on the shoe rack.

"i was thinking" mattia said as he ran to the kitchen.

"we should go to the party. and before you bash me i asked papà and he was completely okay with it" he looked at me for an answer.

"i wasn't really feeling it" i looked at emily and she didn't look convinced.

"please, this will be your chance to make friends"

"oh please like i want any" i walked to emily's room and laid down.

"come on let's go and if you don't like it we can leave right away" emily looked at me practically begging.

"fine" i said finally giving in.

"you guys are going to be the death of me"

authors notes:
welp i'm back from the dead. i don't really like this chapter so i'm sorry. but i promise it's going to be interesting soon

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