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liked by emsepilouge and 2,672 others notmattiasister: please help me convince my mother to let me go to la

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liked by emsepilouge and 2,672 others
notmattiasister: please help me convince my mother to let me go to la

@: wait you wear glasses?
^notmattiasister: yes, sadly i was not blessed to have perfect vision 😤

@: why don't you ask her?
^notmattiasister: i wouldn't be asking for help if i didn't already ask her 🙄✋🏻

@: you literally have to come to la
^notmattiasister: i literally want to

emsepilouge: yesss pleaseee
^notmattiasister: working on it

user: dear mrs. polibio please let emeline go to la. she's been in her room for months and i think she deserves to go visit her friends. and a plus she will do everything you ask for when she gets back.
^notmattiasister: brb going to show her this

user: no stay in jersey

user: bring mattia
^notmattiasister: no ❤️

polybioh: you mean us**
^notmattiasister: no 😆

user: emeline is dying without emily let her go
^notmattiasister: also showing her this one


third person-

emeline ran to show her mom the comments of her post on her spam.

"emeline, non iniziare" (emeline, don't start) she said as she walked away from the girl.

"mama, please. i haven't even gone out in months please" emeline pleaded.

her mom looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"you're going to have to talk to your dad about it" emeline smiled as she walked to her dads office.

when she opened the door she noticed he was working on his computer. when he looked up to see the girl standing by the door, he removed his glasses and cleared his throat.

"cosa è successo principessa" (whats wrong princess) he said as he closed up his computer and put his full attention on emeline.

"you know mattia and i have been wanting to go la for a while now and i was wondering if we could go?" her dad nodded.

"how long would you kids be gone for?" he asked

"two weeks max and after those two weeks i won't ever ask for anything ever again i promise" she crossed her fingers hoping for the answer she wanted.

"alright i guess you guys can go. but before you get too excited you have to inform us what you guys are doing every day alright" emeline nodded and hugged him.

"ti amo tanto" (i love you so much) she walked up the stairs and into her brother's room.

"so what did they say?" mattia shot up quickly from his bed.

"we are going to la baby" emeline screamed from the top of her lungs.

"i knew they would listen to you" mattia said as he high fived his sister.

"what can i say? i'm dads favorite" she flipped her hair and walked out mattia's room.

"oh fuck off" mattia shouted loud enough for the girl to hear.

she laughed it off and walked to her room, she pulled her phone out and dialed emily's phone number.

as emily's face came on the screen emeline shouted "they said yes".

emily's face lit up and she started screaming with emeline.

"so when are you guys coming?" emily asked as emeline scrammed around looking for her suit case.

"friday " she said with a huge smile.

"i literally can't wait" emily squealed.

the girls talked for hours on hours.

"la here we come" emeline thought to herself.

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