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as we walked through the doors of the sway house, the smell of alcohol stenched our noses.

there were people absolutely everywhere, we walked through the house only to greeted by bryce.

"heyyy you made it" he said as he pulled me into a hug.

"don't think it was willingly" i laughed.

"i'll be in the living room if you guys need anything" he shouted over the music for us to hear him.

emily and mattia kept walking until we reached the kitchen.

"em, stay here im going to go find michelle" emily walked away into the crowd of people.

"and i will be looking for a girlfriend" mattia said as he walked away leaving me alone.

i sat down on a stool and scrolled on my phone.

"alone i see" i heard a voice across from me say.

i look up and see a boy with dirty blonde curls  sitting in front of me.

"yeah, they dragged me here to leave me alone" i chuckled.

"you're emeline right" he questions as he examines me.

i nod my head and he smiles.

"you got some sort of love spell on kio because he won't quit talking about you. but i don't blame him you're pretty"

i just laughed causing him to smile more.

"you want to go to the backyard, it's way quieter and peaceful out there" he suggested noticing i seemed uncomfortable with the amount of people there.

he took my hand and pulled me through the multiple crowds, until we finally reached the fresh air.

he took his shoes off and dipped his feet into the pool and he looked up at me. i did the same and sat right next to him.

"i never got your name" i said as i looked up at him.

"my name is vincent but i don't really like that so call me vinnie"

"vincent? hmm that gives me very much old man vibes" i said trying not to laugh.

"okay okay, enough slander. where are you from?" he asked trying to start the conversation back up again.

"i'm from jersey, what about you?"

"washington-" he stopped talking due to being interrupted by a voice.

"there you are, i've been looking for you everywhere" i look back and see kio walking towards us.

"hey you" i smiled at him.

"what are you guys doing out here alone?" he asked as he looked like he was about to kill someone.

"i didn't feel comfortable from all the chaos and vinnie offered to come out here with me so i wouldn't be alone" i could see from the corner of my eye that vinnie was trying to hold his laugh back causing me to smile.

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now