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it had been a few weeks since vinnie had left although it was really boring without him but on the bright side the holidays had finally rolled around.

i had decided to go christmas shopping today since it was like three days away.

"mama i'm going to go to the mall with vicky" i shouted as i ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"con mucho cuidado por favor" (be careful please) she said as came out of the pantry.

"i'll be back in a little bit" i left the door and waited for my friend to pull up.

"hi, how have you been?" she asked me as i got into the car.

"it's been alright how have you been" i hugged her.

we as we drove to the mall we listened to music and caught up. vic had been my friend since grade 6 but we had recently been distant for many reasons.

when we got to the mall a bunch of girl recognized me which felt weird because for a moment i had forgotten all about my social media.

"hi emeline can i take a picture with you?" a teenage girl who looked to be around my age came up to me.

"of course" i smiled.

"i'm so sorry of what happened between you and vinnie" i looked at her very confused.

"oh my god have you not seen tiktokroom" she showed me her phone revealing a video of emily and vinnie making out.

"i-i'm sorry i have to go" i went to go look for vic but i couldn't find her anywhere. i tried texting her but she didn't answer, i began to walk around the mall looking for her until i bumped into someone.

"uh i'm so sorry i-"

"emeline, i knew you'd find your way back to me" i looked up to see mariano standing right in front of me.

"it was very nice seeing you now i have to go look for my friend alright" i tried walking away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"you are not going anywhere. if you say something i swear i will go after everyone you love starting off with your little boyfriend" he pulled me outside of the mall where he began to drag me to his car.

"let me go" i screamed as loud as i could but nothing, no heads turned.

"scream like that and your next" he pushed me into his car locking the door as he closed it.

i tried to reach for my phone but failed as he got into the car.

"you are a peace of shit" i kicked his seat trying open the door.

he jumped over into the back seat and placed a cloth over my mouth.

i don't remember anything except feeling dizzy. the next thing i knew.

everything went black.

authors note:
i just had to add a little drama to make me motivated lmao. ik this story is getting boring and i'm sure i'm ending it soon but i just need to find a right way to end it.

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now