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yesterday was the best day of my life. it had been the first time in years that we had spent something together.

my parents, siblings and friends seemed to like vinnie which lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders.

this morning i was awoken by vinnie brushing my hair out of my face. though my dad was very against vinnie sleeping in my room my mom convinced him otherwise.

i looked up at him and smiled at the sight of him. he was perfect. he's eyes sparkled as the sun hit them, his hair sat perfectly on his head just past his eyes.

"good morning" he put his hand on my cheek as he kissed my forehead.

"good morning" i was mesmerized by him. from the day we started to talk, he gave me this feeling. i was never able to describe it but there was always butterflies in my stomach.

"what do you want to do today?" he sat up and i laid my head on his shoulder.

"we should go ice skating or we can do something with the boys if you'd like" i scrolled through my phone answering to more birthday comments.

"we could invite the boys to ice skating and tomorrow i will take you somewhere"

i zoned out as i saw who commented on my post. i left instagram and locked my phone.

"uh yeah that sounds great" i got up and went into the bathroom.

mattia: em have you seen marianos comment??

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em have you seen
marianos comment??

i just saw it a couple minutes ago
it's best if you guys just ignore him.

i don't want to start anything
up again.

she's right if we bring
attention to it

it'll become this whole
thing and the last thing
we want is to see you
hurt again.

have you told vinnie about

no and i don't think
i will unless it comes up

it's better to leave that in
the past.

i don't want it to ruin
my life.

i like where i am and how
i'm doing rn.

as much as i hate to admit
it but i'm happy he's making
you happy.

i've literally never seen you like
this before.

he's a good kid.

damn already got mattia's approval

get married before he changes
his mind lol.

no don't do that

enough of this.

i'm glad you guys like him.

also ice skating with me and vinnie
@ 1 so get ready or don't go at all
all read at 10:38 am

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