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it had now been a week since vinnie had gotten out of the hospital. he seemed lot better than before, well that's at least what kio told me.

there i was driving up the hills to his house. i pulled into the driveway to see him standing outside waiting for me.

he quickly jogged to open my door and help me with the stuff i had brought.

"i think today i want to talk about stuff" he smiled as he took the bags out of my hands.

i nodded and followed him inside and up to his room where he sat on his chair facing me.

"what do you want to talk about" i asked as i stuffed a fry into my mouth.

"the emily situation" he scratched his head and i just nodded.

"i'll start at the very beginning. when i came home from jersey she came looking for me asking me all kinds of questions like why did i ask you out. i did nothing but walk away after that day i didn't see her. until kio had a get together here at the house, i was sitting on the couch and she came and sat next to me. she tried to get up on me saying how much better she was than you, i simply pushed her away and scooted from her but she proceeded to scoot closer. i just stayed where i was which lead to her getting on top of me. i swear on everything i tried pulling away but she's a lot stronger than she looks" he looked at me and i just sat there. nothing came out of my mouth. i don't know if i was in shock because emily basically betrayed me or because i pusjed vinnie away.

"look, i believe you. a few days ago she reached out to me and told me everything. though it was hard i want to apologize for not talking to you right away and making a big deal about it" i hugged him and smiled while he was taken by surprise.

"i don't have to be sorry i know you've gone through more than i can imagine, i promise you that man will never see another light of day-"

"okay okay that's enough" i interrupted him.

we ate our food and talked about how our lives went while we were separated and i honestly learned a lot not only about vinnie but about myself.

"tomorrow there's going to be a new year's eve party, you're welcome to come only if you want to" vinnie looked at me in hopes of getting the answer he wanted.

"i'll have to talk to mattia but on you can count me in" i smiled.

the night we met- vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now