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Frank's POV:

I stood, shivering in the rain, my hoodie dripping water over my face as I watched the old gray truck pull up in front of me.

"You're late," I said, climbing into the passenger side of the car. I didn't have my license yet, so I carpooled to school with my best friend, Mikey. He started up the car and drove off.

"My bad, my alarm didn't go off this morning," Mikey said, excusing himself.

"Well thanks for that. Glad you got a couple extra minutes of sleep while I got drenched in the rain," I said passive aggressively. I was pissed off, but it would subside soon enough, once I was dry.

"I brought you something," Mikey grinned, his eyes glued to the road. He gestured towards the back seat of the truck and I looked behind me; he brought an extra hoodie, thank god.

I tore off the soaking wet hoodie from my body, even pulling my shirt off (which was also soaked) with it.

"Thank fuck," I muttered, pulling his jacket on over my head. He turned into the school's parking lot and parked in an empty spot. We would have to walk a bit to get to the actual building since he came later than usual, but now that I had dry clothing on my upper half I didn't mind as much. He put the car in park and we ran as fast as we could up the stairs and into the school building. We were both seniors, and I for one was very excited about being almost finished with high school. We had one more week until winter break and then the school year would be halfway over.

Personally I didn't mind school all that much, I liked learning, it was really the social aspect that I didn't like. I had Mikey, and he was in two of my classes this year, but other than that I didn't really have many other friends. We'd met sophomore year when I started here and had been basically inseparable since. Truly, I didn't feel like I needed any other close friends since I knew Mikey and I would always have each other's backs.

The hallways were mostly empty with a few stragglers who were late to class, including us. I waved to him as I ran in the opposite direction towards my first period; Biology. Mikey had his government class first, I'd taken that last year, which was on the opposite side of the school. We wouldn't see each other again until fourth period. I made it to the class with twenty seconds to spare and sat in my seat right as the bell shrieked over the intercom.

Mikey and I walked to the cafeteria together after fourth period, chatting about our morning classes as we made our way through the hallways. Kristin, Mikey's girlfriend, met us at the table we usually sat at. She was nice, but I didn't really consider her a friend, she was just Mikey's girlfriend to me. We usually sat with her and her friends Hayley, Tay, and Jamia. They were also nice, but again, I didn't really consider them to be friends.

"Hey Frank," Jamia greeted me in a sing-song voice.

I nodded at her before taking a seat next to Tay. Mikey and Kristin immediately started making out, and I silently cursed him for leaving me to talk with the girls alone. I wasn't good at talking to them; not because they were girls, but because I didn't really know them well. Jamia also had a huge crush on me since we were freshmen so that made things pretty awkward since I didn't feel the same. She was aware that I was gay, and that she didn't have a chance with me, yet she still tried to seduce me with her constant flirtations. It honestly made me really uncomfortable, but I dealt with it for Mikey's sake.

"Have you got a date for the Winter Formal?" Hayley asked, the grin on her face giving away her intentions of trying to set up me and Jamia again. I don't know why they even tried, like I said, I'm gay. And it's not like I'm not out or something.

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