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We were driving through the snowy evening when the tires started to lose their grip on the road. Driving on the icy roads was dangerous, especially with this little visibility. We didn't talk much on the way home, Gerard was too focused on driving safely through the storm. My phone buzzed and I ignored it at first, but when it started viciously buzzing again and Gerard's went off too, I pulled it out.

Blizzard Warning in Belleville area until 7pm. Avoid Travel. Take Shelter.

"Shit," I muttered, reading the alert.

"What?" Gerard glanced at me for a second before his eyes returned to the road.

"We need to pull over, there's a blizzard warning," he nodded, peering through the windshield and pulling to the side of the road.

"Until when?" He asked, putting the car in park and picking up his own phone.

"Seven," we both sighed, reading the time simultaneously.

"Guess we're stuck here," he said, tapping the steering wheel in an anxious manner.

"Yeah," I said absentmindedly.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until Gerard clicked the radio on. It started playing some pop song before Gerard turned the dial and found a rock station. He sat there, staring out the window for a while before turning to me.

"We're gonna be here for a while, what do you wanna do to pass the time?" I shrugged. You, my mind said, and I quickly regretted thinking that, pushing the thought from my mind.

"Uh," I literally had no idea what we could do in a car in the middle of a snowstorm to pass the time.

"So, I know Mikey's dating that girl Kristin, what about you?" He wiggled his eyebrows, "any special girl?" I cringed at the assumption that I was straight.

"Actually no, I'm not really into that," I said, hoping he caught my drift.

"Ah, okay," he smiled and I swear his eyes flicked to my lips for a split second. It had to be my imagination, "So, any special guys?" He emphasized the last word.

"Nope. You?"

"Not really, yknow I'll have flings and stuff but that's all it is."

Just like I thought, he hooked up with a lot of girls.

"Hm," the radio suddenly buzzed to static and died, the signal must've been blocked by the snow or something like that.

"Well there goes that form entertainment," Gerard stated plainly.

"Yup," I agreed. My god, why was I being so awkward? It's not like I actually liked him or anything. He was just really goddamn attractive.

I nervously chatted with him for the next hour and a half, talking about our favorite bands and movies and he even got around to telling me about his love life— or sex life, which was a pretty awkward conversation, to be completely honest.

"So you and this guy, Ray?"

"Yeah, Ray," he nodded.

"You're what, like, fuck buddies?" I asked, now I knew that he wasn't straight, which gave me a sliver of hope and a fluttering feeling in my stomach. God I hate being such a simp.

"Yeah kinda, I guess," he shrugged.

"So you just, what? Fuck and then chill? No strings or whatever?" He nodded.

"Have you ever had sex, Frank?" He asked, and even though we were basically already on that topic, it caught me off guard.

"Well, I, um-" I stuttered, and he gave a soft chuckle.

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