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--MAY 26th--

Frank's POV:

"Come on Frank, it's not weird at all," Mikey groaned.

We were in Gerard's room— well, he was in Gerard's room. Mikey had proposed that we borrow his nicer clothes like we had for Homecoming last year, but I thought it would be weird. Maybe it wouldn't be weird for him, but being that I vowed to never think about Gerard again, it felt weird. I rolled my eyes at him and leaned onto the door frame, my arms crossed firmly over my chest. I hadn't even bothered to enter his room; it all just felt so wrong.

"It doesn't even matter what we wear, it'll be covered up anyway," I pointed out.

"Yeah but what about for the afterparty," He grabbed a white button up shirt and brought it over to me, holding it up to see how it would fit, "Our parents already planned it out and got food and drinks and everything. If you show up wearing sweats and a T-shirt... I just know your mom won't be happy."

He was right, this whole anti-Gerard campaign I'd been on was childish and frankly, it was getting annoying; even to me. I didn't even like him anymore, or at least I'd convinced myself that I didn't. Holding a grudge was stupid and exhausting, yet for some reason here we were. I hesitated before taking the shirt from him. He gave a victorious grin.

"That's what I thought Frankie," He teased before going back and grabbing a second shirt for himself.

"You know he's coming to the graduation ceremony," Mikey said, poking my cheek teasingly.

"I'm just gonna avoid him then," I swatted his hand away.

"You're such a baby," He reached out to poke me again and I smacked his hand out of the way, "You should talk to him, he misses you."

I felt a twist in my stomach. He missed me?

"No way, he's probably forgot about me by now."

"Frank come on... Even I'm not this stubborn," Mikey was right, but I'd never admit it.

"Whatever, I don't want to talk to him," I shrugged.

"Why not?" I opened my mouth to answer but I couldn't think of any real reason. Sure, he'd hurt me, and then he'd tried to get back with me, then he left just like I knew he would. That's exactly what would happen this time. I would fall for him and he would leave.

"Well?" He rose an eyebrow.

"Ugh! Fine, I'll talk to him," I groaned, "But only so you'll shut up about it."

He pumped his hand in the air triumphantly, "Yay! Thanks."

We got dressed up in our graduation gowns and went downstairs where his parents, my mom and Mark were waiting.

"Where's dad?" I looked at my mom expectantly.

"He hasn't called," My heart sunk, "But I'm sure he'll be here soon."

I forced a smile, "It's fine, he's been really busy with work and stuff, lets get going though. Wouldn't want to be late for our own graduation," Honestly being late to graduation wouldn't be a bad thing, especially for Mikey. Waiting for every single student in our graduating class to walk across the stage and get their diploma wasn't exactly my idea of fun. Mikey's last name was Way, which meant we would have to literally sit through the whole thing and couldn't leave early. It was unfortunate, but hey, after this school was done for good.


"Wooo! Fuck this place!" Alex shouted at the top of his lungs earning a couple of death glares from the teachers. It was the last time we'd be on this campus. Some people were sentimental about it, they'd miss the teachers and their peers and the structure of the schedule that school forced us to have. Mikey was one of those people, I on the other hand, was not. 

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