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"Hi," I felt like I was about to pass out. I didn't know if it was because of Gerard's presence or the copious amount of alcohol I had consumed.

"Hey Mikey, nice to meet you," there was someone with Gerard. He said something else but I wasn't paying much attention. I couldn't tell who because my mind was spinning too much to focus on anything right now. I was feeling so many emotions right now that it physically hurt. I looked at Gerard, thinking about our secret stolen kisses, one while drunk, one while sober. I needed to know where we stood, and I wasn't in the mood to deal with his hot and cold bullshit.

"Yeah you too," I wasn't very focused on their conversation, I really needed to get him alone so we could talk.

"Hey Gerard," I said, surprising myself with the sound of my voice.

He gave me a questioning look and I nodded for him to follow me, hoping Mikey was too wrapped up in conversation to stop us. He did and we ended up inside, there weren't a whole lot of people in here anymore, most were outside. I sat down on the bottom stair and gestured for him to do the same.

"What is it?" He asked, he almost sounded concerned.

"We need to talk," I cleared my throat, "What are we doing here?" I pointed at myself then him.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I might've been drunk the first time, but I know you kissed back when we were at your house. I need to know what this is?" I had never really had a relationship before. I'd kissed one guy in the past and that was basically the only experience I had. I really didn't know if I wanted this to be a relationship or not. Sure, I liked him, but I had also barely met the guy.

"What do you want it to be?" I put my head between my legs, groaning. I hated that he was asking me to choose what to call it.

"What do you want?" I lifted my head up and looked him in the eye.

"I-" he paused, looking down. I gently put my finger under his chin and lifted his head to make him look at me. "I'm not good at this," he said finally.

"Me neither," I admitted, my hand moved until it was resting on the curve of his neck.

"Do you like me?" I asked, watching his eyes. They were beautiful, dare I say dreamy. He didn't say anything, just slowly nodded. I scooted closer to him so our legs were touching and moved my other hand up to touch his cheek. His skin was so soft, I wanted to touch him forever.

"I like you Frank, but this.. this can't happen," He turned his head away from my hand and looked at his feet.

"Why not?" I wanted him to want to be with me. I wanted it so badly.

"Because you're a kid," fuck him. I'm a seventeen year old boy. I'm practically an adult. Fuck him for saying that.

"Romeo and Juliet were kids," I deadpanned, "He was like 18 and she was 13, that's way more of a difference than you and me."

He chuckled, "You're smart, huh?" My cheeks flushed a soft rosy pink and I looked at my shoes.

"I don't know, Frank," he sounded defeated.

"You like me, I like you, whats so wrong about that?" I glanced around before looking back to him. We were basically the only ones inside. We were basically alone. Our eyes met and I would have been content with us just staring into each other. Looking into each other's souls, seeing past every other thing in the world and melting into one another, never even touching. Instead, something even better happened; he kissed me.

He pressed his lips to mine and I let out a soft gasp in surprise as he did. This kiss wasn't like our other ones, this one was passionate, even heated. He moved his lips with mine and I felt like I was in the clouds, high above the world with no worries or cares, just him and I, alone but together. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and I let him, my hand returning to its place on his cheek. He pulled me closer so our bodies were facing each other completely and rested his hands at my waist.

A Kiss and I Will SurrenderWhere stories live. Discover now