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In case you missed it on the last chapter, I'm working on three new stories and I'd love to hear which one you want to read next!

I Believe We're The Enemy (Frerard)- Set in the Danger Day's universe, Frank (Fun Ghoul) is a killjoy and Gerard works for Better Living Industries. Enemies to lovers, who doesn't love that. (so far I have 9 chapters in drafts)

Vampires Will Hurt You (Frerard)- One word: V a m p i r e s. This one will have some darker themes and g o r e/graphic content btw (4 chapters in drafts)

Temporary (Jalex)- Spin off of this focused on Jack and Alex (only 2 chapters in drafts and I might change the name idk)

(Tw: Violence) aNYWAYS BACK TO THE STORY <3 

The sun was shining but it was still much too cold to get in the water. Not that either of us were dressed to go swimming anyways, Frank was still wearing my skinny jeans cuffed at the bottom and I was wearing another pair of my skinny jeans. We walked hand in hand along the sand. The beach was completely empty besides a small family set up on fold out chairs with two small children who were building a sandcastle.

"There's actually something I've been meaning to tell you," Frank spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"What is it?" I swung my arm gently, taking his hand with mine as I did so.

"I might be moving to Chicago soon," He smiled, turning to face me.

"What? Really?" I asked, the excitement clear in my voice.

"Yeah. My dad is working up there, actually he works at the same school you're going to," He explained. Obviously I already knew that as I'd had a couple of quick conversations with him during his time there.

"That's pretty cool," I said.

"Mhm," He hummed, "I guess we won't have to do the whole long distance thing after all."

"Yeah, I was... Honestly I was a bit nervous about that," I confessed.

"Me too. But it's fine, because now we don't have to worry about it."

"Yeah, that's great," I smiled.

We continued down the edge of the water until we got to the pier. There was someone at the pier walking towards us, he didn't look too happy either.

"Frank!" He called out, I didn't recognize him.

"Patrick?" Frank called back as he came near.

"Frank what the fuck?" He shouted before throwing a punch right at Frank's head. Frank tried to duck but it was too late and the boy's fist collided with the side of his head. He doubled over and I didn't know whether to check on him or attack the kid. I went with the latter and swung my own hand at him, barely missing his nose and throwing him back with an punch right under his eye.

He swung back at me and all I could see was red.

"Gee! Stop!" Frank cried, pulling me back from on top of Patrick. I finally released him from my grip and fell backwards onto my back.

"Your stupid friend is a fucking whore, he kissed my boyfriend!" Patrick shouted, I looked to Frank, trying to understand what he was saying.

"Why the fuck is that my fault? And no, no he didn't!" Frank shot back.

"Well that's what Pete told me!"

"Pete?" I interjected.

"Shut up, you're not part of this," He spat at me before returning his gaze to Frank.

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