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Frank's POV:

He probably hated me now. He probably didn't want anything to do with me so he wanted to take me to my house and never see me again. I was such a mess, and being alone with him was a recipe for disaster. What if I had another panic attack? What if I try to kiss him again because I cannot control my stupid teenage hormones and he's really fucking attractive?

"You okay?" We had barely gotten onto the road. Maybe he didn't completely hate me.

"Yeah," I mumbled. God, I was still so embarrassed.

"Um," he said, not continuing his thought. We sat in silence for a few moments.

"I'm.. um," I broke the silence, "I'm sorry about that back there uh, I don't.. I don't know what happened," my voice was small and scared, I really cared what he thought of me and I didn't want this to be what fucked up any chance I had of getting with him.

"No, no, I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have kis-"

"That's not what it was.  Thanks— I mean, not thanks, oh my god I'm sorry, I just.. I'm really nervous and you're really fucking beautiful and I just— oh my god did I just say that out loud.. I'm- fuck.. I just-"

He cut me off in the best way possible; kissing me. It was just a quick peck on the lips but it did the trick and shut me up. We drove for a couple more seconds in silence before he jerked the steering wheel to the side and I hit the car door with my whole body. It hurt a bit at first, but then Gerard put the car in park and moved towards me.

"Sorry," he said quickly before climbing over the median of the car and crashed his lips against mine, I held my breath and moved my hands to cup his face, keeping him in front of me. He was practically sitting on top of me, but I didn't mind at all. I decided to make a bold move and push my tongue into his mouth. He ran his hands through my hair and down my body until they were resting on my waist.

He pulled away for a moment and I gasped for air. I thought he was going to end it there, but he just whispered softly against my lips before continuing, "Breathe."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in through my nose. He kissed me again, more gently this time. His legs were straddling my lap and my hands slid down to rest on his lower back, pulling him closer to me. He deepened the kiss, his tongue brushing against my bottom lip before I opened my mouth ever so slightly and let his tongue tangle with mine. It was the best feeling in the world, my heart leapt to my throat as he skillfully pressed his body closer to mine. I tangled my hands in his hair and felt his hand brush my bare skin beneath my shirt. I sucked in a breath of air as his cold hands ran across my skin. Holy shit. Was this about to go further than a mere make-out session?

I was helpless to his movements, melting in his hands. Right now, he could do anything to me and I would let him. Something stirred in the pit of my stomach and shivers went down my spine at the feeling of his hands. I felt a tinge of disappointment when his hands moved back to the outside of the fabric of my shirt. I was dizzy with the sensation of being so close to him; I had never been so close to anyone in my entire life. At last, we broke apart and his eyes opened slowly, meeting mine. I opened my mouth to speak but the words wouldn't come out, he had made me completely and utterly speechless.

His eyes were dark, there was something warm in them that I didn't recognize, lust, perhaps? I didn't know, but I wasn't about to ask, and I wasn't about to find out. He pulled himself off of me and climbed back to the drivers seat, his chest heaving with heavy breaths. He started the car and we were back on the road, you could have cut the tension in the air with a knife. I just stared at the road ahead as he drove.

At that point we were approaching my house, just a few blocks away from Mikey's, as we got closer though, we saw the flashing lights; the police were parked right in front of my house. We pulled over on the road and I craned my neck over the headrest of my seat to see what all the commotion was about.

"Jesus Christ Linda would you give it a break?!"

I could hear my parents screaming from inside the house, about what I didn't know- and I couldn't care less. The fact that they had to make things so difficult for each other and themselves was too much for anyone to deal with. We got closer and through the open door I could see my mom leaning against the dining room table and my dad facing her standing in the space between the couch and the table. Mark was there too, he had a streak of red across his cheek. I'm assuming my dad had hit him. My dad rarely got physical, but when he did it was never good. My mom had gotten a restraining order for ten months when I was 13 because she had had enough of his bullshit. This time it had gotten so bad that the police were called. I'm assuming that was done by the neighbors. I would hate to be neighbors with such a loud dysfunctional family.

"You're blaming me? You're the one who never visits him! How was I supposed to know you'd actually follow through for once in your pathetic life!"

"I can't do this," my dad said, "I can't believe you let him go when you knew I was coming over!"

"Alright, calm down Mr and Mrs Iero," I didn't recognize that voice.

"Frank," Gerard said warningly reaching out his hand for me as I walked into the house. I pushed him away and went through the doorway.

It was like a train had just crashed into the wall of the house. The moment I walked in everything fell silent. The moment when you throw a tennis ball into the air and it just sits there, floating for a moment before it plummets down to the ground. That moment of silence didn't last long though; afterwards was when the ball came crashing down and pummeled to the floor.

"Frank, honey," my mom started.

"Frank-" my dad joined in. My god it was like fucking Spartacus, Mark might as well join in too. I couldn't think of anything to say. The fear in my eyes quickly turned to rage as I looked from one parent to the other. Then I spoke.

"Merry fucking Christmas," I spat, my heart thumping so hard I thought my chest might burst open and my guts would spray across the floor and onto all of them. Honestly the thought didn't faze me, maybe then they'd see how much this shit affected me. I really don't think they understood that.

"Are you their kid?" A man in a blue police uniform asked me, I nodded slowly, closing my eyes for a second to try and compose myself. There was no point though, I could feel the waterworks coming.

"Okay, we're going to need to speak with you separately about this matter," he said, and before he could get anything else out of his mouth I was booking it down the street, tears streaking down my face and a sob escaping my mouth. The night just got worse and worse. I really fucking hated Christmas.

I rly do be projecting my childhood trauma onto my characters hehe 😩😩

Chile, anyways—

ALSO OMGGG FRANKS NEW EP dhfdsgjfhsdgfjdsk

ps: shoutout to @nasa846 for talking to me on tumblr last night while i wrote chapter 30 kjhfsdkjfh hope schools going well my dude

ALSO @frankierosapple_i stg if yOU MAKE ONE MORE cOMmeNt about CHEETOS i will NOT write ANYMORE KISSINGSCENNES fdshJHGDKJSHDJFKj
(jk ur great, your comments always make me laugh)

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