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Nsfw smut

"I don't want to go home. Akari has been pissing me off a lot lately" I spoke quietly, laying on sunas cold covers that draped over his bed. It was dark out the time being around 9Pm.  My fingers scrolling and shifting across my phone screen while I took in the messages my family sent. They nag a lot don't they.

new messages
Mom: your grades!
Mom: Akari says you have no 'distractions' though I know she's lying.
Mom: work on your core classes.

"Then don't. You can stay over tonight " Suna says while his hands grip on a game controller. He sat on the end of his bed, slouched to get a better and closer view of the screen.

"Yeah right,  you and your cold ass room! Where are your blankets?" I ask. His room was painfully cold, suna constantly wore blank solid colored hoodies and some how he was never bothered by the low temperature.

"It's not cold, you're a cry baby. Fuck! Uh they are over there in the closet." Sunas eyes attached to his tv screen while his fingers quickly pushed and pressed buttons, cursing under his breath every so often.

Slinging my legs off the edge of his bed and walking over to his closet. The amount of hoodies and sweats this boy owned was ridiculous. My eyes landed on a basket on the bottom, filled with rolled up blankets. Grabbing the end of a green fuzzy blanket, I pulled it over my shoulders and head like a hooded cape and shuffled over to sit on his bed again.

Sunas head snapped back to shoot a look at me quickly before returning his eyes to his game chuckling.

"You're laughing at me?" I asked clearly ticked off.

"No no no . Yeah"  he laughed harder this time causing him to die in this game.

A crackle echoed out my mouth laughing at his misfortune. Quickly his laughing stoped and he glared at me. His emotions shifting quickly like a little kid getting caught stealing candy. Happy and joyful one minute Then embarrassed and pouty the next.

He turned off his game and tossed his controller aside, turning back to study my figure. I sat in the center of his bed, crisscross with a blanket covering my back and a soft smile on my face

"You think that's funny huh?" He snickered moving over from the edge of his bed to sit directly in front of me, mimicking my position. His tall figure shrinking due to his slouched position and sitting cross cross parallel from my body.

I hate the way his cheeks tint a light strawberry shade. The way his tongue glides out to slide along his bottom lip. The way his hazle green eyes glaze over and travel from the crook of my neck to my collarbones. The way his pupils dilate making him look godish in the dim light coming from his lava lamp that sat by his bed.

"Yeah I do"  I responded

"Oh Yeah?" He smirked

Wow that's unintentionally hot

His calloused fingers softly wrapping around my neck without any pressure and slowly growing up to trace my jawline. "You're so pretty, Fuck" he spoke in a deep and raspy voice. Leaning closer, his breath hit my lips. "Kiss me" and through a smirk our lips smashed together. Lovingly his hand groomed over my hair pushing me against him as if we couldn't get any closer.

His soft as velvet tongue snuck out to lick my plump bottom lip, swollen from kissing intensely and I parted my lips carefully to let him in. The most passionate by far kiss we've shared since our growing...relationship?

Now he was moving forward slowly, guiding me down finally until I felt my back pressed against his bed. Sunas his hand holding onto my waist and shifting down to grab at my hips. Lips entangled and shaping together, wet slick tongues losing control at each other's sent.

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