Red Tulip fields

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"Ugh..this blows" I said while dropping my arms and head down in defeat. "I moved to Japan to successfully pass my classes and have a better chance of becoming a (job of your choice)"

I held a piece of paper which contained my grades for all my classes. "A 55% no way! I been trying so hard to keep up with my classes but that teacher moves too fast through lectures"

It was now 12:30 Am midnight and I was struggling to keep my eyes open and on the computer. "Finally done with this essay, jeezz that took a number on me" I said as I hit the submit button to turn in my lazily written essay.

I sat on the seat of my desk that was in my dimly lit room containing my lap top and what seemed to be a billion empty cans of Monsters and Red Bull energy drinks.

I laid my head down on the hard cold desk and just sat in silence. A bitter tear rolled down my cheek. "I can't keep doing this" I thought in my head. I felt so burned out mentally and emotionally. Even watching Tv seemed exhausting, "I need to get out this apartment and take a breather" I said drowsy.

I grabbed a can of my favorite mango flavored Monster, my phone and headphones and shoved them in the pocket of my plain black hoodie. I slipped on a pair of beat up black converse , snatched my keys and headed for the door.

Once I walked out the door I felt free, I locked my apartment door and took a deep breath. I knew exactly where I wanted to go.

I placed my headphones in my ears and played a song that I can play over and over and never get tired of it. Throwing one foot in front of the other to reach my destination.

It was currently 1:05 Am and the streets seemed deserted and Lonley. The road was lit up by a few randomly set out street lights. As I walked to the only place I can feel at peace while sipping on my Monster that I held in my hand. I felt the presence of someone walking behind me.

"Oh crap" I thought, what if I get taken like those girls in the movies?! I walked faster minding my space between myself and the person behind me. Who walks outside at 1Am? Oh wait...I do.

I get lost in the music playing in my headphones and trip at the tug of my shoe laces under someone else's shoe.

I turned and see a tall dark haired boy that was wearing a grey hoodie under a dark jean jacket. His neck was decorated in a chain that carried a closed locket "careful it's dangerous out here" he said smugly as he reached his hand out to help me up.

"You could've made me drop my drink" I said angrily while pointing at the can in my hand. I got myself up dusted myself off and spoke in a low smug voice "only weirdos walk at night behind people, you know"

"Only weirdos drink energy drinks at 1Am" said this strange boy who liked to look down on me since he was ginormous. He had a weird presence, judging every move I make.

"You can go ahead, I rather not walk in front of a weirdo" I said with a close-eyed smile. "I'll help myself thanks" he said pointing the peace sign.

I let him walk in front of me for a good couple of steps before I continued walking. What a strange guy I thought to myself.

Around the corner was awaiting my favorite place to hang out, a wide open park that contained the most beautiful red tulips. There was this special great oak tree that I loved to lay under and look at the stars. This place ment so much to me, it was truly the most relaxing place in the city.

I looked straight down the road and saw the boy with the brown hair turn the corner. "Oh please no" I muttered under my breath in annoyance. As I turn the corner I saw the great oak tree and headed straight for it. As I was about to sit down I saw someone beat me to it.

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