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Saturday morning


I woke up to the sound of my phone notifications going off multiple times

11:23Pm: get ready I'm driving to get
11:34pm: I'm outside waiting for you

Huh? I just woke up give me a second

I rushed and washed my face and teeth, threw on some clothes and headed for the door with my keys and phone in my hand.

As I walked out the door I saw a black car with dark tint and loud muffled music coming from inside . The bass was shaking my very core, I locked my door and headed for the car.

I walked towards the car as Suna opened his door, walked out the car and towards the passenger side. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a black plain shirt. He held the door open for me and waited until I sat down in the seat comfortably then he closed the door for me.

Play break from Toronto by the PARTYNEXTDOOR:*

I strapped my seatbelt on and Suna walked into the car to take a seat. I looked over to Suna as one hand was on the steering wheel. His free hand pulled my face close and his icy wet lips kissed the top of my forehead.

His eyes glided over to look at the stick shift and we drove away as the music blasted.

"My parents aren't home..like usual" he said with a disappointing tone. one hand on the wheel and the other squeezing and climbing up my thigh closest to him.

"We're going to your house?" I asked

"Yeah is that a problem?" He said giving a quick glance to me then back at the road.


"Good" he said as he sped up a dangerous amount. I looked over to the dashboard and it showed 95 mph.I tried to act as if I wasn't scared but it concerned me quite a bit.

"Uhh Suna maybe you should slow down?" I said as the speed grew and showed 100mph. We sped down the empty roadway.

"Are you scared?" He said as he looked over to me with a cunning smirk

"yes" I said as I squeezed the hand that gripped my thigh.

He slowed down as we rounded the corner and parked in the drive way of his house. I finally released a breath that I held in my lungs from being so on edge.

"Relax I'm a great driver" he said as he turned off the engine and looked at me. I noticed his eyes were red and blood vessels surrounded his hazle green eyes.

"Are you high!?" I asked in shock. He was driving so perfectly I wouldn't of noticed if I didn't look him in the eye.

"Yeah why"

"Of course you are, when aren't you high?" I scoffed at him

"Don't look so sad." He pouted "I'll smoke you out, we'll never have a sober moment together" he said

That's fun and all but what if I just want to enjoy our time together? I don't like him what so ever but being around him brings a sense of happiness and thrill that I haven't felt in a while.

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