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Author- y'all are lowkey funny with the comments lmao onto the story. Here's a little NSFW for the sinners;)

Suna and I walked down the road after a messy encounter with bokuto.

"We're going to the tulip fields" suna said looking straight forward as we walked.

We remained silent until we arrived at the park. Both of us walked over to the oak tree and layed back on the green grass like starfish

Suna moved over to be next to me and snaked his arm around me.

"You're beautiful you know" he said looking up at the sky.

"I know" I said softly

"I've been a dick lately...I'm uh sorry"

Suna apologized? This was random, I don't know how I should feel. I turned my head to look at him to get a glimpse of what was going through his head.

"I can feel you staring" he mumbled as he rolled his eyes and turned his head to look at me.

"Oh uh sorry" I said as I turned back to look up at the sky once again.

"No no, look at me. I like that"

"No." I stated.

"Look at me..pleaseee?" He said with a grin

I turned to meet my eyes with his. The moonlight lit up his face perfectly, it was certainly a sight. His messy brown hair framed his face and his eyes were red from smoking together at the party.

"Yes master" I joked..well sort of

"That's cute. Don't get me fired up- I'll leave you shaking" he bluntly said.

"What a tease" I smiled

He lifted his hand and brushed the top of my head softly. "Poor don't understand what you're walking into. Do you highness?" He said in a sinister tone as his eyes were half open.

He lifted my chin with his hand and kissed me as we laid down under oak tree in the moonlight. This felt like a scene out of a movie.

He lifted himself to lean over me as I laid down flat. His eyes looked at me straight in my eyes as his hands explored my body. Sunas large hand rubbed up and down my thighs as he slowly squeezed.

His hand pulled at my skirt with little effort but not taking it off of me.

He lightly pressed his lips to mine being super gentle. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Is this ok?" He asked as he looked at my lips and back up to me.

"Mmhm yeah" I said as I leaned into the kiss again.

His tongue snaked around mine as his hands roughly pulled down the skirt off of me.

His fingers glided across my skin sending shivers down my spine as he began To go lower.

I gasped through our kiss as his fingers massaged my skin, then his fingers slowly entered me. I could feel him smirk against my lips. His fingers made the "come here motion" as they swirled inside me.

"Aghh right..there" I pulled away from the kiss and nuzzled my face in his neck as my breathing became harder and heavier.

"Does that feel good?" He said with a cocky raspy voice.

"Y-yeah mmm" I managed to put out as I began panting as I neared the end

"Are you close?" He mocked my moans.

"Shut up" I said as I moaned in his ear slightly.

His fingers pumped in and out faster but steadily as me cradled me with his other arm. With each passing second the feeling intensified and felt better and better.

"I'm gonna- ughh" I couldn't contain myself.

"You're gonna what? Are you going to cum on my fingers?" He said

My breathing wasn't aligned as I was about to climax. I grabbed onto his shoulders and squeezed as I finished. He slowed down when he realized.

I breathed in and out heavily as I tried to collect myself.  I looked at him almost drooling and blushed from the sensation I received from his fingers alone.

"Wasn't that fun?" He said as he pulled my face to look at him.

The Tulip fields ( Suna Rintarou X reader)Where stories live. Discover now