Once again

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Contains drug use and NSFW

It was now Tuesday night and the amount of notes I had to study was ridiculous.

"Im done with this" I said as I snatched my notebooks, put on shoes, grabbed a monster can and left my apartment.

Walking down the quiet road at 10Pm. A few cars passed by as I walked to the tulip fields.

As I rounded the corner and walked over into the gated park, I sat down under my favorite oak tree. I used the bright light the moon provided to look over my notes.

I opened my can of monster and studied obsessively. I'm so going to ace this test. Time passed by slow, I enjoyed myself. Soft breezes from the wind hit my face and I breathed it all in. Breathing in the wind, I smell the smoke of weed being burned.

Wondering where it's coming from I turn to see the man himself Suna as he smokes a joint. The second I saw him my brain froze. In a quick second a whole memory from the party reappeared in my head. I remembered it all, smoking with him, the conversation about our living situation, even the part we almost made out.

He was wearing black tech wear pants with lots of straps across them, chunky black boots, a graphic tee shirt of a rock band, a black windbreaker with "lost" writen Across the sleeve and multiple chains and bracelets.

He leaned on the tree exhaling smoke all over me as he observed me like a stalker.

"Woah creepy" I said sarcastically mocking him then looked back down to my notes.

"Not a day goes by where I don't feel like choking you purple." He said as he slowly moved over to me.

"Don't sit near me I was here first...kindly get fucking lost" I grinned at him.

"Such a dirty mouth. Watch it or it won't just be your air pipe getting crushed" he said sinisterly.

"Am I near a serial killer or are you just dark"

"Want to find out?" He grunted as he plopped down next to me. "Whats that for?" He said pointing at my books.

"I'm studying for a test I have coming up" I said rubbing my temples from the stress.

"Oh you want one?" "It'll help you focus." He added as he pulled out an extremely small sized baggy with multiple pills in it.

"What's that?" I asked innocently

"Adderall" he bluntly responded

"I'll take anything if it means I could focus on this boring subject" I stuck my tongue out and he placed the pill on it with his long ,fair ,slender fingers. He looked at me curiously while he smirked. I swallowed it down with the help of my monster.

My mind went at the speed of light taking in all the material. I felt amazing. Then it hit me. Why was he there in the first place?

"Why are you here?" I asked as I tilted my head.

"I snuck out to smoke, its always a nice trip when I see flowers" he slightly laughed.

"Yeah the flowers are very pretty. In fact this whole park is super pretty!" I said while throwing my arms up to show my emotion.

He slowly and lazily lifted his hand and placed it on my chin to pull my eyes towards him. Inches apart from each other.

With his other hand he placed his joint to his lips and took a deep inhale.

"Suck in the smoke" he said groggy

"What are yo-" I tried to say right before he slowly released the smoke from his mouth.

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