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"What are you doing here" Suna said walking towards kita in an aggressive manner.

"Who's at the door!!?" I screamed from my room

The door slammed shut

"Kita who was at-"

I walk over to the door to see kita and Suna standing in front of each other. It air felt tense

"Oh hey pretty boy what do yo-"

"SERIOUSLY Y/N????" Suna raised his voice

"Seriously what? I know you're not yelling at me"

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU I DID!" He said before he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"I told you not to be messing with my team" he stated.

I wasn't sure if he was going to snap. It was almost like 2 boxes, one with a bomb and the other with an argument. Which one was I going to be handed?

"Hey I don't understand the problem you have but don't yell at y/n you could frighten p/n" kita said putting his hand on sunas shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He slapped away his hand

"Like hell I'm scared, Suna you're pissing me off shut up or get out"

"Sorry Im sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to anger you. I hope I didn't scare you" Suna said as he approached me slowly. A crazy yandere look in his eyes.

Now I was starting to get scared. Now I was starting to feel frightened.

"Suna I think you should give p/n some space man" kita said as he walked over to grab sunas arm.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH ME" he yelled as he pushed kita back over and over and over. Until kita finally fell on the ground.

Kita was drunk and couldn't hold his ground.

"Ok Suna cut your shit"   I said as I saw kita on the ground trying to get himself up.

"Did you guys fuck?" He said as he looked down at kita

"No! What the fucks up with you?" I said outraged at his actions

"And if we did? What do you care" kita said on the floor laughing

And in a blink of an eye Suna lept over kita and started punching his face in.


I watched as Suna continued to throw hard punches. Kita in a drunken state was also putting up a fight and hitting back.

I panicked and ran to the kitchen and grab something, anything. I snatched a bottle of water and ran back to the fight.

"I SAID CUT YOUR SHIT" and I opened the bottle of water and dumped it on Suna.

It was a small attempt but it stoped him in his tracks.

He stopped and turned his head to look at me slowly.

I hit him. I slapped him with all my strength across his face. His lip was bleeding and his eye was bruised.

"You really are a piece of work" I scoffed "just go"

"Whatever" he said as he lifted himself off of kita and walked out the front door.

"Unbelievable he's so UNBELIEVABLE!" I said as I comforted kita while he bled all over my hands.

"It's fine y/n but you owe me food for the mess I just got involved in" he laughed even through the pain.

The Tulip fields ( Suna Rintarou X reader)Where stories live. Discover now