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Tuesday morning

I woke up sore and bruised all over my body, not to forget the literal gash on my skin in the shape of an S.

First day back at school, I walked in the halls during transition wearing a hoodie in a pathetic attempt to cover the marks Suna left on my neck and shoulders.

I pulled out my phone to send a text

You fucking idiot you left my
neck marked with deep purple hickey's


Good afternoon

How are you?

I hate you

How's your wound?🥺

The S? It hurts ITS RUBBING ON

Wait for my practice to end
and we can go get food


Most of the day was spent catching up to work I was way behind in from missing Friday and Monday. I sat down in class as the bell ringed, girls and boys in my class started looking at me funny and whispering.

Oh crap my hoodie wasn't tied into a bow they saw my neck. How embarrassing.

"So y/n I guess the rumors were true, was it fun?" A boy said patting my shoulder and walking out the class.

I hate this god damn school full of sheep.


HEY ok so Ik last time you came
With me for volleyball related topics
It ended horribly wrong..buttt
We decided that all the teams from
The camp are going to host a BBQ!
Wanna come? My dad said you have to
So there's no escape. BYE SEE YOU

Always dragging me along bok.
Tell your dad I'm excited to see him again

Just trying to survive my day back at school. I walked in the hallway looking down at the floor placing my feet in every square perfectly as I walked going to my last period.

"What's up short stuff" someone startled my concentration. It was atsumu speaking as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Um hi" I said softly, not mad or annoyed just softly.

"Where have you been the last two days? Have you been avoiding me?" He asked as his arm that hung on me, rubbed against my chest while we walked.

"Hand" I said nudging his hand as a warning

"Honest mistake forgive me" he said smiling and moved his hand away completely, but it still hung on my shoulders.

"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable, kita said you were taking a 'break' from school" he said looking forward down the hall

"Yeah..something like that" I said smiling happily at the thought of kita not giving away my business.

"Hey highness" Suna poped out and smirked at me.

My whole expression changed as soon as I heard his breath taking voice "Hi gremlin" I smiled at the sight of Suna

"Move" Suna said smacking away atsumus hand from my shoulders. He glared at him and placed his arm around my shoulders.

His arm that laid on my bruised shoulder pulled up my hand and entangled our fingers together.

"Aggressive, dont flaunt shortie here. Y/n is as good as mine. Isn't that right?" Atsumu said twirling my hair with his finger.

Suna tilted my neck, pulled down my hoodie to reveal the marks he left yesterday and licked up my neck.

I gasped while we were walking in the empty hall. My head was facing towards tsumu and I witnessed his eyes widen and his lips held an impressed smirk

My eyes squinted as sunas tongue glided over the hickeys while I was being forced to look at atsumu

"Funny you think that" Suna said in a passive aggressive tone as he smiled and finally covered up my neck.

"Woah you let this loser hit?" Atsumu laughed pointing at Suna in a playful manner. "Maybe next time I'll be included. Three way or no way" he said walking away laughing

"He'd be dead before that would happen" Suna glared at him walking away. "After we get food show me your body" he mumbled

"W-what!" I asked confused

"I just want to see if you're really ok.  sorry if I went too hard highness" he said giving me a peck on the cheek as we finally arrived to my class.

"Soft" I mocked, nudging him and walking into my class.


Sorry this chapter was short I been swamped by homework but I'll put out a longer more interesting chapter tomorrow.

Also I'm thinking about introducing another Haikyuu character to the mix. It's in between terushima or tsukishima 👩🏽‍🦽👩🏽‍🦽what do y'all think?

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