The Mall

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I feel the sun pierce through my curtains and into my eyes. It burned and I buried my head under the blankets. It was Saturday morning. I rush out my bed in a hurry and headed to use the restroom like I do every morning. I got in the shower and let the steaming hot water hit my back as I look down.

I'm really all alone in this house. Sad thoughts rushed through my mind. Come on y/n is the weekend I can't spend it like this. I scrubbed my skin washed my head and rinsed off.

I grabbed a towel and headed to my room to change. Once I was in clean fresh clothes I laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling. I laughed manically as the thought of having to move back home if I don't pass flooded my mind.

What a pain. I hauled myself up and headed to the kitchen. I guess I'll make something to eat. I made myself pancakes with blueberries and mango on the side as that was one of the only things I could make without burning myself.

I ate in the comfort of my room while watching serial killer documentaries. I leaned over to get my moisturizer.

"Damn it" I had used up the last of it on Friday. This is the only moisturizer that doesn't make me feel oily or sticky so it was my all time favorite.

"I guess I'll have to go out to buy another one before school starts again" I quickly get myself ready to go out in public. Nothing flashy just sweatpants and loosely fitted T-shirt.

I grabbed my phone wallet and keys. I headed  towards the door and locked it behind me.

I started walking at a slow pace since I wasn't in a hurry. I walked to the mall that was with in walking distance.

I walk in and was immediately met with loads of loud chattering. I hate crowds of people like this. Out of all days..I had to come to the mall on a Saturday.

I went up the escalator and scanned the mall for the store I intended to go to. After I saw the store I look down since I already know what direction to walk in. I get off the escalator turn to my right and feel someone touch the top of my head.

"Y/n! What a surprise to run into you here". I look up and see two guys with the same face in front of me.

" how do you know my name? That's fan behavior" I said with no intention to sound rude.

The one with grey hair laughed at the other. "I asked Suna duh" Said the one with yellow hair.

"Right right.. sooo Thing One and Thing Two, kindly move I don't want to be here long" I said with a subtle smile.

"Just because we're twins dosent mean you have to call us that" they said at the same time as they pouted. "I'm Miya Atsumu" said the one with bleach blond hair. "I'm Miya Osamu" said the one with dull grey hair.

"I'm not gonna remember that. I would state my name but seems like you little stalkers figured it out already" I said bluntly.

"You're a brat" said the twins, again in unison.

"I just have to go buy my lotion and leave. I apologize if I came off as rude I just don't do well in crowds."

The twins looked at each other. They didn't have any facial expressions but it seemed like they knew what they  were thinking.

"You're forgiven" Atsumu said with a fake smile.

I turned around and saw about 7 girls in a group staring at me. I could basically hear their growls. I turned back around to look at the twins and used my thumb to point at the girls. It was obvious I was uncomfortable with this many eyes on me.

"They just seem to show up" Osamu shrugged his shoulders. I walk away and turn to a vending machine nearby. The twins stood behind me as I decided which monster flavor drink I wanted.

Once I bought the drink i opened it and turned around to see the Miya twins. I took a sip of the drink while we all stared at each other in awkward silence.

"Ok well I need to be going now" I said

"We'll come too! Since we have something to talk about" said Atsumu energetically.

"We have nothing to talk about, plus I'm sure you don't want to come with me to this particular store"

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