The Party prt1

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This chapter Contains: ALCOHOL

I dreaded going anywhere besides home. In every movie clip the main characters go to parties, get wasted, and throw up with mascara smudged all over. That dosent look like much fun.

"I'm wearing sweatpants and a wrinkled tee shirt. Can I at least go home to change" sure I didnt like being around people but I was never one to look too messy.

"No ones going to bother looking at you" Suna said in an awfully rude tone. "Plus if we let you go home you wouldn't come to the party for sure"

"Let's go walk to our house to waste time before the party starts" said one of the twins. It was 6 in the afternoon! The sun dosent go down for another 2 hours. And by the time they decide to start the party I thought angrily.

We walked in silence besides the noise of the twins chattering to each other. The walk to the twins house wasn't too far from my own.


A hiss of an open soda can echoed the large living room. "Take the left I'll take the right". Suna said as he played video games with Atsumu, while they both sat on the floor in front of a giant tv. Osamu observed and judged while he kept one of his hands Busy by holding a soda can.

After watching the guys play their games on the floor for 3 straight hours I analyzed each of their personalities carefully. "Does y/n always stare?" Said atsumu with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah but I just think p/n has a regular system malfunction" Suna said shrugging his shoulders.

I threw a pillow from off the sofa at them both. "Nah Im just observing two pea-brains as they fail at a game" I mocked. "Yeah right you're fantasizing about us both arent you?" Atsumu said slyly while raising his eyebrow.

"How repulsive" I said then immediately look down to scroll through my phone.

I look up to see Osamu walk over and press a little button on the device the boys were staring at obsessively.

"Serio-" "shut up. let's set up the beer pong tables for the party" Osamu demanded. "Fine but you could've waited until we finished" atsumu complained as he got himself up and walked out the back door to go to the backyard near by.

It was amusing seeing the twins fight. Suna sat and stared at the blank tv screen processing what had just happened with his small brain.

He launched himself off the floor and sat on the sofa beside me. We both sat in silence while hearing things break in the backyard.

"Dude I told you not to move the table that way. You broke moms glass owl!" Osamu yelled.

I turned to see them carrying a foldable table. One twin on each end as they walked with it. On the floor laid out pieces of broken glass near the entrance of the back door.

"Y/n... can you pretty please pick it up before someone gets cut?" Osamu asked nicely.

If it were anyone else asking me to pick up someone else's mess I would say no quickly, but he asked kindly and I had pity for him. Since after all he had to deal with an idiot.

"Sure" I said while leaving my phone on the sofa next to Suna and got up. I walked over to clean up the broken shards of glass. I winced slightly as I slit open the edge of my finger tip.

"Idiot your not supposed to pick broken glass up with your hands" Suna said while sitting on the sofa watching me.

I glared at him and continued picking up what was left.  "Let's hope mom dosent walk out to the backyard and notices its missing" Atsumu said rubbing the back of his neck scared.

It was 9:30 and everything was set up nicely. 4 beer bong tables, 2 coolers filled with labeled bottles of alcohol, and a large tub of jungle juice. Lights were set outside illuminating the backyard. Loud music started playing and the twins laughed at the thought of getting wasted and kissing girls.

I sat on the couch while floods of people came rushing through the front door. It was uncomfortable not knowing anyone.

I pushed my headphones into my ears and played music, not that it was much help since the music playing on the party speakers drowned out any noise in its path.

I looked around as I see people throwing back drinks into their mouth. I sat near a couple ferociously making out. This is gross. I Got up lazily and walked towards the backyard. 

I watched as everyone around me had joyful smiles and laughed. I couldn't hear much of the noise anyone was making, it was a chaotic scenery.

Someone tapped on my shoulder as I was standing awkwardly near the beer pong tables. "Woah Don't have too much fun" Suna said throwing up his hands pretending to be shocked while still having a bored expression.

I looked at him up and down and glared at him. "I think I'm going to head home now. I feel out of place" I mentioned.

While I was talking to Suna, Osamu walked up next to me. "Grab a drink, have fun" he said as he handed me an empty red plastic cup so I could choose out of the plenty alcoholic drinks laid out right in front of me.

I poured myself a drink that smelled strong, like it wasn't supposed to be ingested. One drink turns to three, three to six and as soon as I know it I was wasted.

"Why don't you drink?" I asked Suna with a wondering look.

"I don't like the headaches and throwing up side effects" he said while pointing at the cup in my hand

"Suna!!" A girl that was obviously intoxicated called out to him. "Oh he-" he was trying to say right before she pulled him to the side. "Guess who's here and wants to see you" she said as they walked away.

My head was spinning but I wasn't a lightweight. I grew to get annoyed of all the sound going on around me.  I was all alone once again. I walked back inside and sat down on the stairs that lead upstairs in the Miya twins house.

As I sipped on my drink and became more and more intoxicated I look down on the floor at my feet.

"You really are a loser" I look up to see Atsumu standing in front of me on the steps.  " yeah whatever"

He sat down next to me on the steps entirely blocking the staircase. "I think you're pretty cute."  He said without warning.

"Oh fuck you" I said thinking he was joking.

"You'd like that". Atsumu smartly remarked nearing close to my face.

I felt my face turn hot. Atsumu leaned into my face almost like he was going to meet his lips to mine. I froze unable to move.

He pulled away right before our lips were going to touch.

"Ugh don't do that to me" I said while shoving him away annoyed and embarrassed.

"Fine fine. But you know you got just a little nervous thinking I was going to kiss you" he said as he laid back on the stairs. It looked uncomfortable but he didn't seem to mind.

We both watched as nearby couples argued and accused each other of cheating. It amused us both.

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