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Nsfw..peace offering since I haven't been updating quickly 🤚🏽

Can I have some?" Suna laid on my sofa in the living space almost ashamed for asking.

"What the lipgloss?" I asked giggling

"Yeah what else?" He spoke

"Come 'er"

Suna walked over and leaned down to the sofa I was sitting on.

"Lemme seeee" I whined pulling his face down so I could give his lips a layer of gloss. I held the squeezable tube against his lips and traced them. Once I was done I could have swore twinkles displayed themselves in my eyes.

"You look sooooo good!!" I said excitedly

Suna crossed his eyes attempting to look at his own lips while puckering them.

I leaned in quickly and placed a quick kiss on his lips while we both wore gloss.

"You think I look good?" He asked


"What's it taste like?" Suna said snaking his tongue out his mouth to lick his top lip.

"Nonono! Don't eat it!" I laughed

*1 notification from cider 🍺 *

Party!! Tonight!

Say you'll come🥺

Some guy from shiratorizawa
Is throwing it!!


Fineee my boyfriends coming is that fine?


Yeah ofc that's cool!!

"I got invited to a party" I said unenthusiasticly. But deep down I wanted to go. Cider and Suna expanded my social skills and showed me how much fun it could actually be.

"I can come?" He asked as he stuffed his face with his favorite.. chuupet.

"Yeahhhh, what are you gonna wear?" I asked sitting myself next to him on the sofa.

"Probably just a hoodie and black jeans I don't feel like dressing up, I already have you." He said smacking the back of my head.

"Oww! If I didn't know any better I'd say you like me" I spoke arching my brows, poking fun at him

"Shut up or I'll leave you to go to the party alone." He grumbled

"Meannn! Fine Gremlin. I-" I said before someone very annoying ruined the moment

"PARTY? Can I comeee" my sister said barley awaking herself from her sleep.

"It's 4 in the afternoon why are you just waking up?" I rolled my eyes

"I was out late yesterday. But I'm always down for a party!" She excused

"No, you can't come. Some guy from another high schools throwing it. You're too olddd." I stuck out my tongue and she did it back

"Shut up. Suna tell her to let me come." She asked as sunas droopy eyes slowly glided over to her at the entrance of the room.

The Tulip fields ( Suna Rintarou X reader)Where stories live. Discover now