Wanna be yours

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"Where are we going?" I asked Suna as he continued to drive while playing too late by the weekend. The music was low and calm setting a relaxing mood.

"A hot spot in the city for our date" he said looking at the road. One hand was on the steering wheel his wrist was decorated with a watch and loose fitting bracelets, the other hand gripped my hand.

I look down at the hand that held mine.

His nails were well taken care of and painted with black nail polish. Slight Veins wrapped around his hand and up his arm. He circled his thumb at the palm of my hand.

Just a little fluttered I asked "a date?"

"Mmhm" he mumbled as we stopped at a stop light

He tuned over to look at me.

"I wanted to get you out the house... I know you're sisters 'annoying' to you." He said moving one hand under my chin "I would hate for you to grow irritated and move that attitude over to me highness"

I stumbled across my words

Suna laughed slightly louder than he normally does "look at you! All nervous."

"Ugh you're evil" I groaned

Suna was wearing all black as usual but he looked as if he actually put in effort for his outfit. He looked very stunning, I was afraid I would melt.

 He looked very stunning, I was afraid I would melt

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Suna and I sat down and ordered drinks while we waited for the food to be ready.

"I'm going to the restroom I'll be back" I said walking away from the table.

"K" Suna grumbled while he scrolled through his phone

After I was done using the restroom I washed my hands and made sure I looked good in the mirror.

Looking down at my phone I walked towards the table, I lifted my head to look up and noticed a girl standing near suna at our table.

He looked up at her with a mix of bored and interested eyes. As I walked closer I heard their conversation

"Do- are you dating anyone? If not I was wondering if you could give me your number" the girl said nervously.

I glared at her as her eyes looked at me while I sat down on the table across from Suna.

"No I'm not dating anyone" Suna smiled

"Then who's?" The girl asked shyly pointing at me sitting at the table

I was stopping myself from literally barking at her

"That? Oh I don't know that person. Whyd you sit down with me?" He asked me in a sarcastic voice.

"Suna" I warned him. The girl looked scared and confused I could almost feel bad for her.

"I'm just joking. I apologize but I have a partner. This idiot here." He pointed over to me "but if you'd like I have a couple of single friends that I guesss aren't that bad looking. Would you like for me to give them your number?" He asked kindly, his whole personality changed.

"Yes please thank you" she mentioned as she gave him her number and she walked away

"I'm gonna give her number to Osamu and atsumu so they can find out they been texting the same girl" Suna snickered

"You're so mean" I laughed


[Play 'I wanna be yours' at the top of the chapter]

The date went smoothly it was dark outside and Suna drove me home.

As he was driving I notice he missed the turn to my place.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Where we met" he rolled his eyes

Why was he being so...kindhearted.. well in his own way. I stayed in silence as he parked the car and turned off the engine.

"Let's go" Suna said as he moved his hand to unbuckle my seatbelt then unbuckled his own.

We walked up the small, bumpy hills and walked over to the grand oak tree that we met under. The leaves were scattered on the ground as Autumn made its mark months ago.

We sat by each other unlike how we did when we felt each others presence for the first time.

The air smelt crisp and cool. Moonlight shined down on us as we looked straight at the flower fields that were festooned with pastel red tulips.

Suddenly sunas arm wrapped around me and pulled me close. He turned to look at me.

"I know I was a dick at the beginning but I'm trying my best for you. I-I like you more than you'd ever expect. I guess I don't show it enough but you dont irritate me.. i feel better around you" he said with gentleness that would have astonished anyone who knew him

I looked at him with soft eyes and took in every word he said. I wanted to tell him I liked him more than I thought I would but my flirting skills left my body

"Knock it off" I pushed him away hard enough to softly lay him with his back to the grass. I straddled him without any sexual intent. I just wanted to feel closer to him.

I smiled and bent down to kiss his lips. He kissed me back slow and softly. His hands held my waist pulling me in closer to the point I laid on his chest.

I pulled away from the kiss and spoke

"I feel euphoric around you"

The book is officially 1 month and 2 days oldd😭 everyone here's amazing.

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