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As soon as I got home from the party I slept on the floor near my bed.

Waking up confused with drool on my cheek and a massive hangover I got up and walked to the restroom to shower.

I inhaled deeply and flopped on my bed after my shower. I felt so comfortable in my room with clean clothes.

The party wasn't too bad I guess I don't remember much. What I do remember was Atsumu kissing me. Disgusting.

I check my phone and remembered how Suna placed himself as my wallpaper. How laughable I thought as I changed it to another picture.

I spent the rest of the day watching tv,completing assignments and throwing up. As soon as I knew it I fell asleep.


Monday morning

I woke up to the alarm set on my phone and dismissed it. Got up washed my face, got dressed etc etc.

I walked to school and as I walked in through the front doors I recognized a lot of the people since they also went to the party. This must be how it feels for socially excepted people, to know almost everyone and be adored by all.

Except I wasn't known by everyone or adored by all.

I went to all my classes excited for the class before lunch. Then When I was finally in that class I was anticipating the dismissal.

I slouched down in my seat and payed close attention since I needed help understanding the topic. The class went by pretty quickly and the bell eventually rang. I was packing my books into my bag when I felt someone slap their hand against my desk.

"Were you the person at the party that kissed Atsumu?" A random girl who I guess was in my class asked. She stood right in front of my desk, I never noticed her but I never noticed anyone either and She carried a book in her other hand. This girl must be one of his fan girls

I snapped back into the real world and continued packing my books up like if she wasn't there.

"I asked you a question" she barked

Ugh how annoying her voice was so high pitched it could make my ears bleed.

"Yeah..yeah I was. He's a good kisser if you were wondering... you know since you'll never find out" I said as I walked away and bumped her shoulder.

Why are you going to bother someone you don't know? Jeez why can't people mind their business, they don't have common decency? This school reeks of brats like her.

As I walked out the classroom door and attempted to walk to my spot to enjoy my lunch I felt her behind me. She reached out to tap my shoulder.

"Y/n!" She called out obviously angry.

"Heyy y/n! Just the person I was looking for" Atsumu said happily with a close-eyed smile.

"You don't mind if I take p/n away from you for lunch do you?" He asked the annoying girl charmingly.

Her mouth was dropped open and X's crossed her eyes as if she died.

"I'll take that as a no." He stated as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked away. "What do you want? I'm headed to lunch"

"I know you are that's why I was looking for you duh. I'm going to hang out with you today doesn't that sound fun?" He replied. I look at him and he looks almost puppy like. It was cute sure but I don't like being bothered by hormonal teen boys when I should be enjoying my lunch.

"Not in the slightest" I said and I noticed a fake smile formed on his face.

"Don't be that way. What Suna can hang out with you but I can't?" He said as the arm around my shoulder pulled me closer.

His arm around me pushed my chin to look at his charming face as we walked down the hall. "I bet I'm way more fun then he is" he implied something unthinkable.

"He wasnt too much fun I doubt you're any better" I smiled then moved his hand away from my face.

"Aghh you're so cruel" he said slapping his palm to his face.

We walked to my spot near the school parking lot.

"Nobody really comes over here damn" Atsumu stated.

"That's the beauty of it"

"We can make out and nobody would even know that's crazy" he said stupidly. I know he was trying to imply that we should kiss. I wasn't a fool, I just wanted to hear him say it with his chest.

"What are you saying" I said while pulling out a monster can out of my bag avoiding eye contact. I was sitting on the floor against a school building that was for coaches.

After I pulled out the can I looked over to see Atsumu lean down and sat next to me.

With a blink of an eye his hand pressed against my throat as I was trying to drink my monster. I wasn't going to lie... I was so close to spitting the drink out.

"Woah now at least take me out to eat first" I joked hiding the fact I was extremely nervous.

He tilted his head in front of me and grinned. "I rather eat you instead" in a low voice.

"I'm not a free sample now get off" I said while continuing to drink my monster completely unaffected by his words even though his large hand completely covered over my neck. It was a cover i was extremely effected by his words. My hands grew sweaty and the thought of kissing him more took over my mind.

He tightened his grip and took my drink out my hand. He took a sip and swallowed not breaking eye contact with me. My brain was going 100 miles an hour. How can he look so good while doing something so simple.

Maybe it was the lust in his eyes or maybe it was the lust in mine.

He placed the can on the floor near us and placed his other hand on my lip pulling it down slowly as he bit his own.

"I'm not playing this game of cat and mouse with you" I said hoping to gain confidence.

"Well I'm not playing" he said right before he pressed his lips against mine.

I dont know what to do. Should I kiss him back? Pull him off? Rambles of thoughts passed through.

He kept one hand on my throat as his other hand ran through and tugged on the back of my hair.

Without control I kissed back. His tongue twirled around mine and to my surprise he was a very good kisser. Intertwining his fingers through my hair and applying more pressure ever so slightly on my neck. So much was happening and once.

We shared a demonically passionate kiss that had my blood run cold.  he grunted as it all sped up fairly quickly.

He pulled away and a trail of saliva connected us from our tongues.

"You wanted me so bad" he said

"Oh you're so cocky for someone who leaned in first" I said nonchalant

"Keep it up and you'll have mine in your mouth gagging I assure it" he said bluntly.

My face flushed bright red and my eyes widened.

The bell rang and saved me from embarrassment. He walked me to my class and it felt like all eyes were on me for the first time.

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