A Highness and a Gremlin

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Bzzzzz bzzzz bzzzz. My alarm rang as it desperately tried to wake me up from a deep sleep. I pulled myself up and let my legs hand over the bed as I prepared for another draining day of school. After my routine of staring at the wall for 5 minutes I finally moved myself.

I threw on a black graphic tee that had a picture of "The Weeknd" plastered on it. Ripped baggy black jeans and black vans. I wore my favorite chain and put my hair up in a lazy ponytail. I sprayed my perfume/cologne grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

As I walked to school my eyes were set on my phone screen without a care in the world... like I wasn't anxious with the amount of work I was about to be assigned to do today. On my way to school I Almost got hit by two cars which seemed to frustrate me so much and made me angry.

As I entered the school building the bell rang to go to first period. "Great, right on time" I sighed

"Morning class today we will be going over blah blah blah" I tuned the teachers voice out as I began to day dream. He's not going to make sense even if I pay attention I thought hopelessly. "Class dismissed remember to turn in the 24 questions by 12Am!" The  teacher barked.

I gathered all my books and shoved them into my backpack. Only 5 more classes until lunch.

The day went by painfully slow but at last it was time for lunch. Even though I've been attending this school since my first year of high school I haven't gained many friends. My daily lunch consisted of rice balls, gummy bears and monster. I opened my bag to check on my lunch and remembered I forgot to pack my lunch today, that's just great.

I walked into the restroom to check my hair and wash my hands and face. As I walked out the restroom I rubbed my eyes as I walked. Exhausted from the night before of watching the stars with a stranger I bumped into something fairly hard.

I removed my hands from rubbing my eye and winced as the light hurt my eyes. I looked up and apologized for hitting them and simply walked away.

The person I ran into grabbed my arm and I turned to see who dared bother me. "Hehe heyy" a tall boy said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Uhh" I said in confusion "of course you would forget..monster addict". My eyes widened in shock. "Oh hey what's up gremlin" I mocked.

I would say I'm surprised that the boy from the flower field went to the same school as me without me noticing butttt to be totally fair I'm not social. I wouldn't have known even if he sat right in front of me in class.

"Whatcha doing". "None of your business gremlin leave me alone". "Well aren't you grumpy today" he said in a seductive manner as he leaned over me.

I started to walk away but he followed close behind like a lost puppy. "Hey I never seen you around during lunch, your highness" his raspy voice stated.

"Your highness? Forget it go away yeah?" I grumbled. "Nah my friends sorta pissed me off today so I'll tag along and grace you with my precious attention" jeez could anyone be more cocky than him?

"So where are we going?"  "I'm going to the back of the school I don't know about you"  I said as I planned to drink my monster in peace behind the school by the parking lot.

As I sat down on the curbside of the floor I felt little eyes digging into the back of my head. He finally spoke "Well no wonder I never seen you! You go all the way out here to eat lunch by yourself? Anyways what do you eat everyday out here?"  I pulled out the mango monster from my bag and presented it to him proudly.

His eyes brightened up "give me" he said smirking. "Noo I'll fall asleep in class without it!"  I hugged the drink.  "Share with me then" he raised his eyebrow as if he was entitled to have some.

"Ew no I don't want your germs" with a grossed out look on my face. He looked offended then sat down besides me on the floor. "Not even if I say please?" He proposed, It almost sounded lewd. I handed him the drink "only some" then turned away from him in embarrassment.

"Thank you your highness" he said and a hiss came out as he opened the can. "Stop calling me that" I looked unimpressed at his nickname.

"Well I'm not sure what your name is and I don't care enough to ask" he said blunt as ever while he took a sip of the drink." y/n" I stated boldly. "Huhh? well I rather stick to highness, it's more interesting dont you think" he said as his eyes gave off an intimidating look to them and a smile was framed on his face. I looked away then looked back as I notice he drank most of the monster. "Ugh you're such a pig I barley gave it to you how are you almost done?" I said frustrated

"You want some?" He offered what was left "no thanks your saliva is all over that and that would be like an indirect kiss yukk"  "aww that's rude, most girls would kill for a kiss from me" he leaned in uncomfortably close then backed away. "Did you get nervous? Don't stress it, I wouldn't touch a hair on your head without you wanting me to" he said as he stood up.

"You're gross, I wouldn't dream of it gremlin " I said with a close eyed smile taunting him.

"Suna Rintarō" he said  "what?"   "That's my name  Suna, just so you won't keep calling me gremlin" he said right before he walked away and the bell rang as he left me alone.

That's great now off to my next class. I didn't think much of lunch with gremlin I mean Suna. He was strange sure but it might just be the fact that I haven't hung out with someone in a while.

After school ended I began walking the way home. "What a coincidence" a familiar voice said from behind me. I tilted my head back and Suna showed up above my head.

"You again" I said with a bored expression planted on my face. "Oh come on highness at least act excited" he pleaded. "I rather not" I faked a smile which immediately dropped back to my bored look.

"Don't you have anything better to do" I said as gremlins arm hung around my neck like if he was using me as a standing stool. "Actually I didn't go to volleyball practice since your devilish mango drink hurt my head" he stated obviously angry.

"You're the one who asked for it" I looked up at him while he frowned and stayed quiet.

"So uh you're in volleyball?" "You mean to say you've never went to any of my games?" He said bluntly almost like he was going to snap. "I don't go to many school games hehe" I said nervously.

The road split into two separate roads, "You should come next time" he said calmly. He went straight down the road and I walked and turned left.

After we parted ways I walked into my room turned in all my assignments and knocked out. After all I was running on monster and 3 hours of sleep from the night before.

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