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"Aw man Im late" I said as I shuffled over to my backpack and threw it over my shoulder. I walked out the house looking a little rough ,wearing what I went to sleep in.

I ran to school in black joggers, bright colored long socks and my usual black hoodie.

The day felt severely rushed through

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The day felt severely rushed through. Maybe because I woke up rushed and late

Once lunch came around I ran to the restroom to do my hair and clean up my face since I didn't have the time to do that this morning.

When I walked out I was met with the sight of a large group of tall boys walking my way.

Nope not getting involved I thought as I walked in the opposite direction hoping to get out of their line of sight.

"Look who it is, one of my girlfriends" Atsumu said as he hugged me from behind.

"Ugh get off Im-" I thought of an excuse to get away from his grasp. "I'm going to the nurse" I lied

"For what" Suna said as he was behind Atsumu and the others.

Oh what a sight to behold. Last night he was at my place. Not even 24 hours ago his tongue was down my throat, and not only his tongue either.

"Don't worry about it" I said

"You're a bad liar. Hey since you eat all alone like a bum, come with us to our table in the cafeteria" Atsumu said.

Suna looked at him weirdly probably wondering how Atsumu knows where I eat. How messy. Atsumu joined me for lunch the other day as we made out at my spot.

"I don't like going to the cafeteria, it's too loud and crowded" I complained as I stood there with my arms crossed.

"Great let's go" samu said cheerfully.


At the lunch table I was met by the whole boys volleyball team. "Uhh hey I'm y/n" I said in a stern and confidence voice.

"Hey y/n I'm Aran Ojiro"

"Hello my names Ren Ōmimi"

"Heya Shinsuke Kita" this guy seemed more nervous than the others and blushed when he spoke to me. The rest of the boys stated their names...not like I was going to remember them.

"Nice to meet you all" I said with a smile trying to be friendly.

"So uh y/n.. you're a second year?" Kita asked
"Yes sir I am." I replied.

"Oh that's nice. You seem matured for your level" he stated.

"Thank you I try" I said while giving a mean glance towards Atsumu.

"Y/n isn't mature promise, p/n can have a foul mind. Very troubling " Said a low voice from across the table. Of course it was Suna.

"That just makes me way more interesting" I said with a close-eyed smile looking at him like if I didn't swallow his kids last night.

"What are you doing after school today" kita asked

"Probably just heading home and finish homework."

"Come to our volleyball game today! Uh-if you'd like to come watch" He added

"Oh I don't kno-".    "Y/n will be there" Suna said in a low manner.

"No I really don't want to go"

"My numbers 10 keep an eye out . And remember to cheer extra loud for me" Suna said reminding me about last night.

"Mines 11!" Said Osamu.    "Mines 7!" Atsumu said

"Number 4 come support " Aran said as he smiled brightly

"Mines 1! id like if you came to support me.I'm hoping To impress you" Kita said sort of flirtatiously as he stood up from the table and put his hand on my shoulder patting me. Was he hitting on me? I keep getting mixed signals.

Suna glared at him and walked away from the table with the rest of the team leaving me alone at an empty table.


Fast forward through the day. At last it was last period and I was finally released to go home. Without a thought in my mind I just walked over to the volleyball gym to take a peak.

To my surprise they were doing pretty good. The way they relentlessly kept the ball in the air was mesmerizing. I almost felt bad for the opposing team.

I walked inside and sat down on the bleachers to observe.

These are the same guys I make fun of? The twins had an intimidating aura to them. I would definitely not want to be the other team, or the ball.

I watched as the boys got swapped in and out of the game. During a time out the boys huddled together.

Suna noticed me in the bleachers and an evil smirk grew on his face as he winked. In response I naturally flipped him off and smiled. Kita looked up to me and smiled, slightly blushed and looked away quickly.

Once the match was over I waited untill all the fan girls left then I walked over on to the court.

"Y/n actually came, look at that" Aran said as he rubbed the top of my head.

"Of course, p/n isnt one to disobey" Suna said as he walked over with a towel hanging over his neck.

"You guys are all sweaty go change or something"

"But then we wouldn't get the satisfaction of hugging you with all our musk" Atsumu said as he hugged me tightly.

Now I'm not dramatic or anything but bugs, sweat and throw up is a big no for me.

"Ughhh get off you're all wet"

"Y/n Can you help me with the net?" Kita asked

"Of course"

After that whole mess they walked into their locker room to change and I began walking out the gym.

"Hey y/n do you mind if I walk you home? It's not much of a hassle plus it's already dark out" Kita offered up his concern.

"Sure I'd love that" As we walked out the gym I turned around and see Suna giving me a death stare.

I turn back around and wrap my arm around Kita  "thank you for walking me home"

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